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Tag: Announcement

Looking to Fill Open Positions at Your Company?

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Programs: All
To: All
Summary: NYS Dept of Labor’s new Virtual Career Center
Contact with Questions:

Looking to fill open positions at your company?

The New York State Department of Labor’s new Virtual Career Center can help you search for qualified job candidates free of charge.

The Virtual Career Center is a powerful job posting and talent sourcing platform using advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to connect businesses to candidates. New York State businesses can source, contact, and advance candidates with a broad range of skills and qualifications all while adhering to state labor and compliance law.

NYSERDA Single Family Programs Update

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Programs: EmPower+, Residential Energy Assessments, Comfort Home
To: Participating Contractors
Summary: Monthly Contractor Update
Contact with Questions:

NYSERDA Single Family Programs Update

Friday,  June 21, 2024 (This is rescheduled from June 14th)

8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. ET

Webinar number 2534 278 7341

Event password: Energy1

All attendees must register prior to joining the event. This process will allow you to add the meeting to your calendar and provides each individual with a custom link to join the meeting. Please do not share your link with anyone. To register, please click here.

All webinars are recorded and links to the recordings are available on the Contractor Support site.

Updated EmPower+ Pricing and Fuel Rates

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To: Contractors and Stakeholders
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: Updated EmPower+ Pricing and Fuel Rates
Contact: Please reach out to Contractor Support at 1-800-284-9069 with any questions

EmPower+ measure pricing and Program fuel rates have been updated and are effective as of February 23, 2024.

EmPower+ pricing was reviewed and updated to reflect changes to several variables including national inflation and consumer price index (CPI) data, and market price research.  The updated list can be found in Section 5.5 of the Program Manual on the Contractor Support site.

EmPower+ Program fuel rates for 2024 have been updated and posted on the Contractor Support website in Section 5.12 of the Program Manual. The fuel rates and EmPower pricing have been updated in the NY Home Energy Portal (NYHEP) currently and will be effective for any new project entered in NYHEP beginning February 23, 2024. NYSERDA finance has also updated their Proforma tool to reflect the updated fuel pricing.

For Program fuel rates, natural gas and electricity rates are based on the Joint Utilities 2021-2023 SC1 3-year average. Delivered fuels are based upon the NYSERDA New York Home Pricing Monitoring Program 2022-2023 averages. For cost-effectiveness calculations,  NYSERDA uses volumetric charges including supply (commodity), transmission and distribution, and other charges applied based on the supply volume.

If there are any questions, please reach out to Contractor Support at 1-800-284-9069.

NYHEP Updates

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To: All NYHEP Users
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: NYHEP Updates
Contact: If there are any questions on this, please reach out to contractor support at 1-800-284-9069.

Thank you for your feedback for the NY Home Energy Portal (NYHEP). NYSERDA and our developers are
working to make the requested improvements and release enhancements on a monthly cadence.
NYHEP will be updated on March 14, 2024 with the following changes:

  • All users: Ability to choose multiple document types when uploading a file
  • NYSERDA/Implementation users: Enhanced Implementation/Contractor profile features and management tools
  • Numerous back-end data exchange enhancements to streamline reporting and other bug fixes

Transitioning to a New Email Notification System

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To: Everyone
Regarding Programs: NYSERDA’s Single Family Residential Team
Summary: Transitioning to a New Email Notification System
Contact: For Questions – contact

NYSERDA’s Single Family Residential team will be transitioning to a new email notification system.  Your contact information and email address will be transferred automatically to NYSERDA’s internal platform next week.  If you wish to opt-out and no longer receive notifications, including Program Announcements and updates, please click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email by February 21, 2024.