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Tag: Guidelines

Find A Contractor Tool

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To: All Residential Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: Find A Contractor Tool
Contact: Please reach out to your Account Manager

NYSERDA is aware of an issue on our website where Contractor DBA names are not surfacing properly in the Find a Contractor tool . We are working to resolve this issue and expect a fix to be in place within the next week. We apologize for any inconvenience.

No Heat Guidelines

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To: EmPower+ Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: No Heat Guidelines
Contact: Please reach out to your Account Manager

The 2023-2024 No-Heat Guidelines are available and can be found in Section 5.9 of the Program Manual. The no heat season begins October 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2024. Please review these guidelines for additional information.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager.

Update to Blower Door Requirement

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To: Participating Comfort Home Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Update to Blower Door Requirement

All Load Reduction Installs with an On-Site Installation Date AND Assessment Date of 6/15/23 or later will REQUIRE both a Blower Door Test In and Out to be completed. If the Assessment Date is before 6/15/23 and the On-Site Installation Date is on or after 6/15/23 we will only require the Blower Door Test Out to be completed.

Scenario 1: Assessment Date: before 6/15/23 |Install Date: on or after 6/15/23

  • Pre Blower Door Test – optional
  • Post Blower Door Test – required

Scenario 2: Assessment Date: on or after 6/15/23 |Install Date: on or after 6/15/23

  • Pre Blower Door Test – required
  • Post Blower Door Test – required

Blower Door Tests Required Again Starting 6/15/23

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Comfort Home PilotArchive
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General AnnouncementsArchive

To: Comfort Home Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Blower Door Tests Required Again starting 6/15/23

Blower Door Test In and Out at time of Installation will be required on all installations with an On-Site Installation Date of 6/15/23 or later.

Blower door measurement is not required at time of the assessment. For purposes of the assessment, the contractor may report approximate level of air leakage for the home.

The contractor is required to measure pre‐work blower door leakage rate (CFM50) when crew is on‐site to complete air sealing and insulation work. A post‐work blower door measurement is also required and should be submitted on the Load Reduction Install in the applicable fields for all project with an On-Site Installation Date of 6/15/23 or later.

Total Incentive Must be Less Than or Equal to the Installation Cost

Events, Training Opportunities and ConferencesArchive
EmPower NY & Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STARArchive
Residential Energy AssessmentsArchive
Comfort Home PilotArchive
Green Jobs – Green New York Residential FinancingArchive
General AnnouncementsArchive

To: Comfort Home Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Total Incentive must be less than or equal to the installation cost

Package incentives cannot exceed the Package installation cost. If the work proposed for a Package will cost less than the Package incentives, the incentive will be reduced to match the Package cost. For these types of projects only deduct the Package cost from the contract and not the standard package incentive.