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Tag: Comfort Home

Monthly Contractor Webinar – June 2023

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To: Comfort Home Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Monthly Contractor Webinar – June 2023

The Comfort Home team hosts a regularly occurring monthly (4th Monday of every month) contractor webinar where the program team will provide program updates, helpful resources, contractor production metrics and provide an opportunity for contractors to ask any open questions.

Next one up is Monday June 26th 2023 10:00am – 11:00am.

All attendees must register prior to joining the event. This process will allow you to add the meeting to your calendar and provides each individual with a custom link to join the meeting. Please do not share your link with anyone.

Register Here:

All webinars and trainings are recorded and copies of the recordings and slides are available on the Comfort Home SharePoint site under the Webinars and Presentation folder.

If you have any questions reach out the Comfort Home team at: Email:

Phone: 1-888-406-4009

Monthly Contractor Webinar – May 2023

Events, Training Opportunities and ConferencesArchive
EmPower NY & Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STARArchive
Residential Energy AssessmentsArchive
Comfort Home PilotArchive
Green Jobs – Green New York Residential FinancingArchive
General AnnouncementsArchive

To: Comfort Home Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Monthly Contractor Webinar – May 2023

The Comfort Home team hosts a regularly occurring monthly (4th Monday of every month) contractor webinar where the program team will provide program updates, helpful resources, contractor production metrics and provide an opportunity for contractors to ask any open questions.

Next one up is Monday April 22nd 2023 10:00am – 11:00am where the Comfort Home team will cover:

  • Training on Selling Strategies for Load Reduction Projects
  • Top 5 QA Failures and How to Avoid
  • Program Updates
  • Monthly Metrics

All attendees must register prior to joining the event. This process will allow you to add the meeting to your calendar and provides each individual with a custom link to join the meeting. Please do not share your link with anyone. Register Here

All webinars and trainings are recorded and copies of the recordings and slides are available on the Comfort Home SharePoint site under the Webinars and Presentation folder.

If you have any questions reach out the Comfort Home team at: Email:

Phone: 1-888-406-4009

Comfort Home Fact Sheet Prints will be Distributed to all Contractors via Mail

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EmPower NY & Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STARArchive
Residential Energy AssessmentsArchive
Comfort Home PilotArchive
Green Jobs – Green New York Residential FinancingArchive
General AnnouncementsArchive

To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Comfort Home Fact Sheet Prints will be Distributed to all Contractors via Mail

The Comfort Home team will be sending out print copies of our Comfort Home Customer Facing Fact Sheet to all participating contractors. We hope this will cut down on your company’s print costs and encourage you all to travel with the fact sheets to distribute to homeowners that are eligible for Comfort Home!

Fact Sheets will be sent to the address we have on file and that is the one listed on our website. If your address has changed reach out to the mailbox with an updated address. We hope to have these sent out in the next 2 months and will provide updates on when they will be mailed.

Help Tax Credit Fact Sheets/Website

Events, Training Opportunities and ConferencesArchive
EmPower NY & Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STARArchive
Residential Energy AssessmentsArchive
Comfort Home PilotArchive
Green Jobs – Green New York Residential FinancingArchive
General AnnouncementsArchive

To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Help Tax Credit Fact Sheets/Website

NYSERDA has launched a very helpful website about the IRA Tax Credits and NYS Incentives available to homeowners.

Inflation Reduction Act – NYSERDA

The website includes Federal IRA Tax Credits and NYS Incentives/Tax Credits information for:

  • Home Clean Electricity Products
  • Heating, Cooling, and Water Heating
  • Other Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Utilize this website to educate yourself and share with homeowners receiving services with the applicable measures eligible for tax credits.

For those that are Heat Pump contractors the Clean Heat Connect group has also developed the following fact sheet to provide quick and clear details on the heat pump tax credits and how to max out your customers incentives!

Compass Reminders

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EmPower NY & Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STARArchive
Residential Energy AssessmentsArchive
Comfort Home PilotArchive
Green Jobs – Green New York Residential FinancingArchive
General AnnouncementsArchive

To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Compass Reminders

Below are common errors we are seeing with Compass submissions and want to provide reminders on importance and how to correct these issues.

  • Arbitrary homeowner phone numbers and emails are being entered in Compass. To ensure that our QA team can reach out to homeowners to complete inspections we need these fields to be completed and accurate every time. If the homeowner doesn’t have an email address enter to meet the fields requirements and if they do not have a phone number enter all zeros (000-000-0000).
  • Contract Signature Date on Load Reduction and HVAC Installs are left blank. This field is new to Compass as of a couple months. If you are submitting a Load Reduction or HVAC Install enter the date the homeowner signed the contract into the field on the basic data section.

If you have any questions reach out the Comfort Home team at:


Phone: 1-888-406-4009