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Tag: Heat Pump

Heat Pump Guidance Update

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Programs: EmPower+
To: Participating Contractors
Summary: Guidance Update
Contact with Questions: Please contact Contractor Support at 1-800-284-9069.

NYSERDA is continuing to work on updating the submission process and guidance for work scopes with heat pumps. We will provide an overview of these updates as part of the 6/21 Single Family Residential Program webinar (rescheduled from 6/14) and therefore request that contractors continue to pause on submitting heat pump work scopes until 6/24 (regardless of project funding type). To register for the webinar, please click here.   If there are any questions, please contact Contractor Support at 1-800-284-9069.

The Heat Pump Planner is now a digital interactive tool

To: All Residential Contractors
Regarding Programs: NYSERDA Residential Programs
Summary: The Heat Pump Planner is now a digital interactive tool

A new interactive version of the Heat Pump Planner has launched. The new version guides customers through a three question quiz to show them the heat pump system configuration that may work best for their home. Customers can compare systems, and explore an interactive “plan” of a system they are interested in learning more about. The interactive plan showcases hot spot callouts focused on the key benefits and important considerations.

Many contractors find these heat pump plans a valuable sales tool they use to educate customers before a sales visit or at the kitchen table with their customers.

Visit: to explore the Heat Pump Planner.

Moderate Income Heat Pump Incentive Study

Thank you for participating in the Moderate-Income Air Source Heat Pump Incentive Study

Complete the Moderate Income ASHP Incentive Study webform prior to making a recommendation to a qualified customer for residential heating or cooling equipment upgrades or an Air Source Heat Pump. Results from this form will be shared with the NYSERDA team to determine eligibility for a reduced-cost full system Air Source Heat Pump. Qualified customers will receive an additional incentive for upfront installation costs of either $1,000 or $3,000. After completion of the survey form, both the contractor and customer will be notified of the incentive amount via email within two business days.  All incentives are subject to NYSERDA Assisted Home Performance (AHP) income verification (Tier 3) and all projects must be completed through NYSERDA AHP in order to be qualified for the incentive. Funds will be disbursed to contractors when AHP deems the project as completed. Note that this incentive is offered in addition to AHP incentives only and must be for an ASHP system that covers 100% of the heating load. Refer to the PowerPoint slides for other high level details about the incentive.

Amount of Funding Available


Required Documentation:

OTDA Heat Pump Funding

The OTDA Heat Pump Funding was introduced during the Contractor Check In Webinar held on February 4, 2022. Links to the webinar recording, slides and Frequently Asked Questions are located below.

Webinar Recording – 02.04.22
Webinar Slides – 02.04.22

Required Documents
OTDA Heat Pump Funding Contractor Guidance for EmPCalc and HP Portal
OTDA Heat Pump Information Form (Customer Attestation)
OTDA Heat Pump Certificate of Completion (Contractor Attestation)
NEC Calculation Worksheet
NEC Calculation Worksheet Form Fillable
NEEP’s Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump List
AHRI Directory

OTDA Heat Pump Funding FAQ
Best Practices for Your New Heat Pump