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Image link to 2022-2023 Program Manual

2019-2020 Program Manual

Table of Contents

Section 1 – Contacts

This section contains contact information for the NY Residential Existing Homes Program staff, including contacts for both the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and EmPower New York Programs.

1.1 | NY Residential Existing Homes Program Contact List → rev. 11.18.2019

1.2 | NY Residential Existing Homes Program Account Manager Territory Map → rev. 04.24.2020

1.3 | CEA Contact List

Section 2 – Contractor Participation
Section 3 – Customer Participation

NYSERDA offers energy efficiency services to 1-4 family residential customers of all income levels.  This section contains information about customer participation in the NY Residential Existing Homes Programs, including Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, and EmPower New York.

Reminder:  In order to provide low-income energy efficiency services through EmPower New York, contractors must apply via the 2016-2018 Addendum to Provide Low-Income Energy Efficiency Services and be approved by NYSERDA.

3.1 | Overview of Customer Incentives → rev. 12.01.18

3.2 | Combined Residential Application → rev. 03.18.2022

Combined Residential Application – Arabic version (عربى) – rev.08.23.2022

Combined Residential Application – Bengali version ( বাঙালি ) – rev.08.23.2022

Combined Residential Application – Chinese version (中文) – rev.08.23.2022

Combined Residential Application – Haitian-Creole (Kreyòlayisyen) version– rev.08.23.2022

Combined Residential Application – Italian version(Italiano)– rev.08.23.2022

Combined Residential Application – Russian version(Русскийy)– rev.08.23.2022

Combined Residential Application-Spanish Version → rev. 08.23.22

Combined Residential Application – Korean version(한국어)– rev.08.23.2022

Combined Residential Application – Polish version (Polski)– rev.08.23.2022

Combined Residential Application – Yiddish version (יידיש)– rev.08.23.2022

3.3 | NYSERDA Residential Household Income Screening Application – Not Applicable

3.4 | Income Limits → rev. 11.09.2021

3.5 | Energy Usage History Waiver Form → rev. 03.2015

3.6 EmPower NY Applications

3.6a | Combined Residential Application → rev. 03.18.2022

Combined Residential Application-Spanish Version → rev. 06.13.2022

3.6b | EmPower New York Program Application – WAP Coordinated Application → rev. 07.2021

3.7 | Serving Rental Properties through Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR → rev. 09.01.2016

3.8 | Multi-Family Building Participation → rev. 09.01.2016

3.9 | Rental Property Energy Efficiency Services Agreement → rev. 11.27.2018

3.10 | Home Owner Agreement → rev. 03.30.2022

Section 5 – Operational Policies and Procedures

This section contains information about operational policies and procedures that apply to both the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and EmPower New York Programs.  This section will evolve over time, as NYSERDA works to more fully integrate the administration of these two programs and align program processes and procedures.

Contractors shall read this section in detail, in addition to the other Operational Procedure sections that apply to the work they perform.

5.1 | Electronic Signature Policy → rev. 08.17.2021

5.2 | Effective Useful Life of Eligible Measures → rev. 10.10.2018

5.3 | Policy for Households Affected by Severe Weather Events → rev. 09.13.2016

5.4 | Handling Emergency Situations → rev. 09.01.2016

5.5 | Coordination of EmPower New York and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Projects → rev. 09.01.2016

5.5a | Customer Referral Guidelines for Coordination of Assisted Home Performance & EmPower → rev. 09.01.2016

5.5b | EmPower NY/Assisted Home Performance FAQs → rev. 09.13.2016

5.6 | OTDA Funding for Heat Pump Projects → rev. 07.25.2022

5.7 | Not For Profit Guidance → rev.08.19.2021

5.8 | Pellet Stove Guidelines → rev.03.28.2022

5.9 | No Heat Guidelines → rev.03.28.2022

5.10 | Heat Pump Installation Requirements → rev.07.25.2022

5.11 | Fossil Fuel Conversion Policy → rev.06.17.2022

5.12 | Combined Residential Application Project Assignment Process → rev.03.28.2022

5.13 | Guidelines for Heating System Replacement → rev.03.28.2022

5.14 | Direct Install Measures → rev.04.25.2022

5.15 | EmPower AHPwES Eligible Measures and Accessories → rev.06.17.2022

5.16 | Determination of Tier 1 and Tier 3 Workscopes and Incentive Caps → rev.03.28.2022

5.17 | Home Energy Assessments → rev.03.28.2022

5.18 | Measures and Installation Criteria → rev.03.28.2022

Section 6 – Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Operational Policies and Procedures

This section contains information about operational policies procedures that apply to both the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Projects.

This section will evolve over time, as NYSERDA works to more fully integrate the administration of these two programs and align program processes and procedures.

Contractors shall read this section in detail, in additional to the other Operational sections that apply to the work they perform.

6.1 | HPwES Operational Procedures Overview → rev. 09.01.2016

6.2 | HPwES Operational Procedures Flowchart → rev. 09.01.2016

6.3 | HPwES Eligible Measures and Accessories List → rev. 10.10.2018

Only applicable for projects with Combined Residential Applications submitted before March 28, 2022.

6.3a | Assisted Home Performance Direct Install (AHP DI) → rev. 07.28.2020

Only applicable for projects with Combined Residential Applications submitted before March 28, 2022.

6.4 | Comprehensive Energy Assessment Procedures → rev. 09.01.2016

6.5 | HPwES Insulation Policy → rev. 09.30.2016

6.6 | HPwES Lighting Policy → rev. 09.01.2016

6.7 | HPwES Fuel Conversion Policy → rev. 09.01.2016

6.8 | Cost Effectiveness Criteria → rev. 09.01.2016

6.9 | State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Review → rev. 09.01.2016

Section 7 – Low Income (EmPower NY) Operational Procedures

This section contains information about operational policies procedures that apply to the EmPower New York Program.

This section will evolve over time, as NYSERDA works to more fully integrate the administration of these two programs and align program processes and procedures.

Contractors shall read this section in detail, in addition to the other Operational Procedure sections that apply to the work they perform.

7.1 | Procedures for Referring Households into EmPower NY → rev. 09.01.2016

7.2 | EmPower NY Project Assignment Process → rev. 09.01.2016

7.3 | Evaluation of Potential for Energy Services → rev. 09.01.2016

7.4 | EmPower Energy Audit Process → rev. 09.01.2016

7.5 | Determination of Workscopes for 1-4 Unit Homes → rev. 09.01.2016

7.6 | Services to Rental Properties → rev. 03.29.2021

7.6a | Service to Rental Properties FAQs → rev. 05.10.2021

7.7  | EmPower NY Pricing → rev. 06.30.2022

7.8 | EmPower Electric Reduction Measures and Criteria → rev. 03.30.2021

7.9 | EmPower Home Performance Measures → rev. 09.01.2016

7.10 | EmPower Heating System Conversion Hotlines → rev. 09.01.2016

7.11 | EmPower Project Completion and Invoicing → rev. 09.01.2016

7.12 | EmPower Quality Control Procedures → rev. 09.01.2016

7.13 | EmPower Health and Safety Procedures → rev. 09.01.2016

7.14 | Weatherization Agency Participation → rev. 09.01.2016

7.15 | In Home Customer Education → rev. 09.01.2016

7.16 | EmPower In Home Education Manual → rev. 07.22.2016

Section 8 – Operational Forms

This section contains the forms used in both the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and EmPower New York Programs to be used by Participating Contractors.  This section will evolve over time, as NYSERDA works to more fully integrate the administration of these two programs and align program processes, procedures, and forms.

Forms that customers complete are located in Section 3 – Customer Participation.

8.1 | Home Performance with ENERGY STAR (including Assisted):

Workscope Submission Required Documents:

8.1f | State Historic Preservation Office Form → rev. 09.13.2016

Final Project Submission Required Documents:

8.1d | Field Change Order Form → rev. 09.2015

8.1e | Audit & Direct Install Certificate of Completion → rev. 08.04.2022

Documents No Longer Needed:

8.1a | ‘So What’s Next Brochure’ → rev. 04.2017

8.1b | Sample Eligibility Summary Report → rev. 07.24.2016

8.1c | Customer Information Form → rev. 06.2015

     * Fillable Customer Information Form * → rev. 06.2015

8.2 | EmPower New York:

8.2a | EmPower Request for Contractor Forms → rev. 12.07.2017

Workscope Submission Required Documents:

8.2e | EmPower Appliance Exchange Agreement → rev. 07.15.2019

          * Fillable EmPower Appliance Exchange Agreement Form * → rev. 07.15.2019

8.2h | EmPower House Diagram Worksheet → rev. 09.01.2016

Workscope Submission Optional Documents:

8.2b | EmPower Initial Interview Form → rev. 07.01.2014

8.2d | EmPower Combustion Appliance Form → rev. 09.01.2016

8.2f | EmPower Notification of Possible Presence of Asbestos → rev. 09.01.2016

8.2i | Empower Optional Field Data → rev. 09.01.2016

8.2j | EmPower Supplemental Data Collection → rev. 09.01.2016

Final Project Submission Required Documents:

8.2c | Audit & Direct Install Certificate of Completion → rev. 08.04.2022

Final Projct Submission Optional Documents:

8.2g | EmPower Clean & Tune Checklist & Certification → rev. 08.2009

Documents No Longer Needed:

8.2k | EmPower NY Opt Out  → rev. 08.17.2021

Section 9 – Materials & Installation Guidelines

This Material and Installation Guidelines manual is designed for Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and EmPower NY Program participants (contractors, field staff, quality assurance inspectors, quality control inspectors, and management.)  It provides participants with the materials and installation requirements for installing energy efficiency measures in NYSERDA’s residential Programs.

9.1 | Materials & Installation Guidelines  → rev. 07.09.2018

9.1 | Materials & Installation Guidelines – No Highlights  → rev. 07.09.2018

Section 10 – Quality Assurance

This section contains information about the Quality Assurance policies and procedures of the NY Residential Existing Homes Program.

10.1 | Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures → rev. 01.14.2019

10.2 | Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist → rev. 10.06.2021

Section 11 – Databases & Software

This section contains information about and links to the databases and software used in the Programs.  This section will evolve over time, as NYSERDA works to more fully integrate the administration of these two programs and begin to use the common platforms.

11.1 | Project Submission/Approvals

The NY HP Portal, hosted by Energy Savvy, is a database system used by Participating Contractors for application submissions, claiming GJGNY audit reservations, work scope submissions, change order submissions, and project close out submissions. This system is used for both AHP/HPwES and EmPower New York.

11.1a | NY HP Portal 

11.1b | NY HP Portal User Guide – AHP/HPwES Participating Contractors → rev. 8.2016

11.1c | NY HP Portal User Guide – EmPower Participating Contractors → rev. 8.2017

11.1d | NY HP Portal User Guide – EmPower Vendors → rev. 8.2017

11.2 | Modeling Software

AHP/HPwES and EmPower New York allow the use of several whole-house modeling tools for calculating savings and determining allowable measures in each home. This includes EmPCalc, an MS Excel based modeling tool used for EmPower New York projects.

11.2a | List of Approved Modeling Software → rev. 01.10.2020

11.2b | Modeling Software Comparison Guide → rev. 08.2016

11.2c | EmPCalc v6.9.1 → rev.06.30.2022 – Projects that had applications submitted on or before March 27, 2022.

11.2c | EmPCalc v8.2.1 → rev.08.19.2022 – Projects that had applications submitted on or after March 28, 2022.

11.2d | EmPCalc User Guide → rev. 04.2019

11.3 | Contractor Support

The NYSERDA Portal, hosted by NYSERDA, is a database system which participating contractors can submit questions, raise concerns, and work through project related issues. Contractors can submit inquiries to contractor support by:

Calling the contractor support phone line: 1-800-284-9069

Submitting an email to

Logging into the NYSERDA Portal and creating a case

All three methods will create a case in the NYSERDA Portal which are reviewed by a triage team and routed to the appropriate program team for resolutions management.

11.3a | NYSERDA Portal

11.3b | NYSERDA Portal User Guide for Participating Contractors → rev. 05.21.2018

11.4 Quality Assurance

QACSS, hosted by NYSERDA, is a database system used by Participating Contractors to view quality assurance scores and respond to Open Fail Reports (CARs).

11.4a | Quality Assurance Contractor Scoring System Database

11.4b | QACSS Contractor User Guide → rev. 05.17.2019

Section 12 – Outreach & Marketing

This section contains information about resources available to Participating Contractors and policies and procedures for use of the materials.

12.1 | Marketing Resources and Policies → rev. 09.01.2016

12.2 | List of Available Marketing Documents → rev. 09.01.2016

12.3 | NYSERDA Logo Attribution Guidelines → rev. 05.12.2022

Section 13 – Technical Tips & Resources 

This section contains information about addendums made to the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, and EmPower New York Programs.

Addendum 1 | Green Jobs Green New York Loan Fund Residential Financing Manual

Addendum 2 | Residential Energy Audit Program Manual → rev. 12.18.2019

Addendum 3 | Residential Energy Audit Program Participation Agreement → rev. 12.16.2019

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2019-2020 Contractor Resource Manual → rev. 10.2021