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Tag: EmPower+

Addressing Common Proforma Issues/Errors

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To: Participating EmPower+, REA and Comfort Home contractors 
Regarding Programs: GJGNY Web Proformas 
Summary: Addressing Common Proforma Issues/Errors 


It’s been nearly one year using GJGNY Web ProForma. After reviewing many submitted Web ProFormas, there are several common issues/errors that occur: 

  • Incorrect customer loan application date. The customer’s actual loan application date must be entered.  The application date can be found in Slipstream’s VelocityGo system or by looking at the application number (230907-XXXX).  Entering incorrect application dates can impact the Web ProForma results. 
  • Using incorrect energy assessment tools for EmPower+ and Market Rate. All EmPower+ and Market Rate loans with application dates of 7/28/2023 or later should be using the new Invoice ProForma Report (downloaded from the New York Home Energy Portal) to build out the savings within and be attached to the ProForma.  EmPCalcs and the Res assessment tool are no longer accepted. 
  • Using correct energy assessment tools for Comfort Home and NYS Clean Heat.  The Resources for Participating Contractors page tells you what savings tool needs to be used for a loan based on its project type.  The correct energy assessment tool must be used based on the project type (i.e. if the loan is for a Comfort Home project it must have a Comfort Home Energy Savings Calculator completed for it and attached to the Web ProForma). 
  • Not including measures in Project Measures section.  All measures listed on the Invoice ProForma Report, except direct installs for EmPower+, must be included in the Web ProForma inputs regardless of whether they are part of the GJGNY loan or being paid by another funding source (i.e. incentives/rebates).   
  • Not entering total measure/project costs.  Total or gross measure/project costs (before incentives are factored in) need to be entered when completing the Project Measures section.  
  • Matching dollar and energy savings values. The dollar and energy savings values that are entered into the Web ProForma need to match exactly what is shown for the loan in its attached savings file – including entering negative values for MWh savings (if applicable).  Do not round values when entering them into the Web ProForma.  For ASHP/GSHP/Comfort Home projects, make sure that they are coming from the tab in the savings file labeled “Web ProForma Inputs.” 

Web ProFormas with missing or incorrect data entered will not be accepted and may result in the delay of issuing loan documents to your customers or release of loan funds. 

We appreciate your continued support of the GJGNY Financing Program and working with us through this past year as we try to improve the experience of accessing GJGNY Financing for your customers.  If you have any questions, please email

Thank you, 

The Residential Financing Team 

EmPower+ Fact Sheet Translations

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To: EmPower+ Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: EmPower+ Fact Sheet Translations
Contact: Please reach out to

The EmPower+ Fact Sheet has been translated into the same 14 languages as the EmPower+ application and these are currently available on the contractor support site. If there are additional languages you would like to see the fact sheet or EmPower+ application made available in, please reach out to

Energy Assessment Cost Change

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To: Participating Contractors and Stakeholders
Regarding Programs: Residential Energy Assessment Program (REA) and EmPower+
Summary: Energy Assessment Cost Change or Account Managers

With the launch of the NY Home Energy Portal, the Residential Energy Assessment and EmPower+ Programs have aligned the home energy assessment data collection process and report output. To go along with this alignment in processes, NYSERDA is announcing the following changes to the cost fee for energy assessments, effective for assessments submitted July 10, 2023 or later:

  • The Residential Energy Assessment cost will change from $150 to $200. Energy Assessments must follow the protocols listed in the Program Manual.
  • The EmPower+ Energy Assessment cost will change from $250 to $200. The cost to complete a blower door will change from $50 to $100. Therefore, contractors who are completing energy assessments with blower door tests will not see any change in the total cost the energy assessment. Energy Assessments must follow the protocols listed in the Program Manual.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact (REA) or your Account Manager (EmPower+).

Invoices for the weeks of July 3 and July 10

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To: Participating Contractors and Stakeholders
Regarding Programs: EmPower New York, Assisted Home Performance
Summary: Invoices for the weeks of July 3 and July 10
Contact: Account Managers

With the 4th of July holiday and the transition from Uplight to the NYHEP, program will be processing one Assisted Home Performance/EmPower invoice package per week, instead of two.The invoices will be processed in accordance with the timeline below:

  • Week of July 3, Invoice package will be processed on July 6
  • Week of July 10, Invoice package will be processed on July 12

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Account Manager.

Additional Office Hours

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To: Participating Contractors and Stakeholders
Regarding Programs: REA and EmPower+
Summary: Additional Office Hours
Contact: Account Managers

In the coming weeks, staff from the Residential Energy Assessment (REA) and EmPower+ Programs will hold additional Office Hours to field questions on the NY Home Energy Portal (NYHEP). Participating contractors should bring their “How do I…“ questions on modeling, forms/reports, homework assignments, etc. Use the registration links below to sign up for the Office Hour sessions. The Office Hour time slots are provided below:

Office Hours #13- Tuesday, July 11 at 9:00 a.m. ET

Office Hours #14- Wednesday, July 19 at 3:00 p.m. ET

Office Hours #15- Thursday, July 27 at 9:00 a.m. ET

Office Hours #16- Tuesday, August 1 at 3:00 p.m. ET

Office Hours #17- Wednesday, August 9 at 9:00 a.m. ET

Office Hours #18- Thursday, August 17 at 3:00 p.m. ET

Office Hours #19- Tuesday, August 22 at 9:00 a.m. ET

Office Hours #20- Wednesday, August 30 at 3:00 p.m. ET