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Web ProForma Plus Launch

To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: GJGNY Residential Financing Program
Summary: Launch of Web ProForma Plus

NYSERDA has launched our new web-based ProForma, to support the Green Jobs – Green New York (GJGNY) Residential Financing Program. The new platform, called Web ProForma Plus, will replace the current Excel ProFormas. You can access the Web ProForma Plus online.

A step-by-step Web ProForma Plus User Manual and a pre-recorded training video are posted on the Resources for Participating Contractors page.

The Excel version ProFormas will continue to be accepted until October 17, 2022.

If you have any questions about these changes, please reach out to [email protected], or contact Heather Clark, 518-862-1090 Ext. 3253.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in making GJGNY Residential Financing Program a success.

The Residential Financing Team

Revised REA Audit Tool

To: REA Contractors and contractors initiating GJGNY loans
Regarding Programs: Residential Market REA Program and GJGNY Loan Program
Summary: Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File)
Contact: [email protected]

A new version of the Residential Market REA Tool is available on the contractor website with an update to fuel rates affecting natural gas savings. We recommend all contractors use the updated version as the old version will no longer be accepted beginning November 1, 2022.

The latest copy of the REA tool and documentation is available at:

Become a Participating Audit Documentation

Please contact us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns.

New Participation Agreement Effective October 2022

To: Participating Contractors, Participating Appliance Vendors
Regarding Programs: EmPower New York and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®
Summary: New Participation Agreement Effective October 2022
Contact: Questions can be addressed with your account manager or submitted through [email protected].

As announced previously, the Participation Agreement for the EmPower NY (EmPower) and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® (AHP) Programs and the EmPower New York Appliance Vendor Agreement expired on September 30, 2022. For Contractors and Appliance Vendors who did not submit updated agreements, you can close out any projects approved prior to October 1, 2022; however, your accounts have been disabled and you cannot submit any new projects to the Program for consideration.

If you did not submit an updated agreement or if you are a new contractor looking to join the NY Residential Programs, you can still do so using the below links.

For AHP/EmPower New York:

For both new contractors and contractors looking to renew participation – you should review the Program Manual, complete the Participation Agreement and Contractor Application and return both via email to [email protected].

For EmPower New York Appliance Vendors:

Appliance Vendors looking to provide services as an EmPower New York Appliance Vendor, must review and complete the 2022 EmPower New York Appliance Vendor Agreement and return it via email to [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support of the AHP and EmPower New York Programs. You can reference previous Program Announcements online. If you have any questions regarding any program policies or procedures, please contact your Account Manager or email NYSERDA directly at [email protected].

Implementation of a new Contractor Platform

To: EmPower/AHP Contractors, REA Assessors, Stakeholders, NYSERDA and CR
Regarding Programs: EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, and Residential Energy Assessment
Summary: Implementation of a new Contractor Platform. Watch the platform overview from October 7
Contact: [email protected]

During the October 7 webinar, we shared an overview of the new Contractor Platform to be implemented in March 2023. This online platform is an exciting step toward our goals of more updated information, greater collaboration, and streamlined processes to make our jobs easier. If you missed the overview, watch the recording located on the contractor support site.You are a critical member of the team that will use the new system in March 2023. Be ready for the new system by watching the overview and attending an RMES demo during the December 2 webinar. If you have questions, reach out to CONTRACTOR SUPPORT: call toll-free 800-284-9069 or email [email protected].

NYSERDA will be reinstating the 120-day completion goal

To: Participating AHP and EmPower Contractors
Regarding Programs: AHP and EmPower New York
Summary: NYSERDA will be reinstating the 120-day completion goal.
Contact: [email protected]; Questions can also be addressed with your account manager

In March of 2020, in response to COVID-19 and the statewide work pause, NYSERDA suspended Program project deadlines. Following the return to work, contractors still faced scheduling conflicts and supply chain issues, so NYSERDA kept the completion deadline suspension in place. NYSERDA is looking to gradually reinstate project completion deadlines to ensure projects are closed out in a timely manner. Related to this, CLEAResult has been reaching out to contractors to have them prioritize their work in progress projects and close out any old projects that won’t be moving forward.

Starting January 1, 2023, the Program will reinstate the 120-day project completion goal. Please review the following dates for Project completion submission:

  • Projects started before January 1, 2022, will need to be completed by January 1, 2023.
  • Projects started before January 1, 2023, will need to be completed by May 1, 2023.
  • Projects started after January 1, 2023, should be completed within the 120-day period used in the past.

We understand that there may be instances where a project cannot be completed within the timeframes referenced above. Contractors should document in the project notes in Uplight if that is the case.

For any questions, please reach out to your account manager or [email protected].