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Companion Loans

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To: Contractors and Stakeholders
Regarding Programs: GJGNY Residential Financing Program
Summary: Companion Loans

In 2021, NYSERDA launched the Companion Loan which was available to Green Jobs – Green New York (GJGNY) financing customers who are fully utilizing the $25,000 GJGNY Loan for their energy efficiency or renewable energy project and need additional loan funding to pay for remaining project costs.

The funding for Companion Loans has almost been fully committed. While NYSERDA assesses available funding sources for the Companion Loans, effective immediately, NYSERDA is pausing the acceptance of any new applications for Companion Loans until further notice. However, all applications for Companion Loans which have been pre-approved or approved by Slipstream as of May 10,2023 will be eligible for funding. Projects for which the Companion Loan may be required, but has not yet been applied for, will not be eligible.

If you have any questions about these changes, please reach out to, or contact Heather Clark, 518-862-1090 Ext. 3253.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in making GJGNY Residential Financing Program a success.


The Residential Financing Team

Compass Reminders

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To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Compass Reminders

Below are common errors we are seeing with Compass submissions and want to provide reminders on importance and how to correct these issues.

  • Arbitrary homeowner phone numbers and emails are being entered in Compass. To ensure that our QA team can reach out to homeowners to complete inspections we need these fields to be completed and accurate every time. If the homeowner doesn’t have an email address enter to meet the fields requirements and if they do not have a phone number enter all zeros (000-000-0000).
  • Contract Signature Date on Load Reduction and HVAC Installs are left blank. This field is new to Compass as of a couple months. If you are submitting a Load Reduction or HVAC Install enter the date the homeowner signed the contract into the field on the basic data section.

If you have any questions reach out the Comfort Home team at:


Phone: 1-888-406-4009

Knob and Tube Wiring

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To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Assisted Home Performance and EmPower
Summary: Knob and Tube wiring
Contact: Account Manager

Effective immediately, NYSERDA has made the following changes related to the removal of active/live knob and tube wiring from a home so shell measures can be completed. Participating contractors shall follow the requirements of the local jurisdiction when completing any electrical work in a home, including when the removal of knob and tube is required.

This means that Participating contractors are no longer required to use a licensed electrician to remove active/live knob and tube wiring, unless a licensed electrician is required by the local jurisdiction where work is being performed.

Pre/Post Installation Report Submission Reminder

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To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Assisted Home Performance and EmPower
Summary: Pre/Post Installation Report submission reminder
Contact: Please reach out to your account manager

As a reminder for all Assisted Home Performance and EmPower New York projects, EmPCalc v 8.14+ and later generates both pre-installation and post installation measures reports, which outline the proposed and installed energy efficiency measures and energy savings for each project. Prior to the start of work, participating contractors must review the proposed measures being installed with the household and have them sign the pre-installation report. Following the completion of work, the household is required to review and sign the post-EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance Program installation report. At the time of final project submission, the participating contractor must upload both the signed pre-installation and post installation reports.

Please reach out to your account manager with any questions on these reports or the final project submission process.

Updated EmPower NY Pricing and Fuel Rates

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To: Contractors and Stakeholders
Regarding Programs: EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance
Summary: Updated EmPower NY Pricing and Fuel Rates
Contact: Please contact your Account Manager

EmPower NY pricing was reviewed and updated to reflect changes to several variables including national inflation and consumer price index (CPI) data, market price research, supplier letters detailing price increases. The updated list can be found in the Program Manual on the Contractor Support site.

Fuel rates have been updated and posted on the Contractor Support website in the Program Manual. They are based on a three-year average and for cost effectiveness calculations, NYSERDA uses volumetric charges including supply (commodity), transmission and distribution, and other charges applied based on the supply volume. The updated fuel rates were also posted in the Program Manual.