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Tag: EmPower+

New Date for Contractor Portal Launch

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To: Contractors and Stakeholders
Regarding Programs: EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance
Summary: New Date for Contractor Portal Launch
Contact: Please contact your Account Manager

NYSERDA would like to inform you that the launch of the New York Home Energy Portal (NYHEP) and EmPower+ has been delayed and will not be released on July 10, 2023. This modified timeline will allow additional time to address any remaining technology challenges and ensure an improved crossover experience from the current portal (Uplight) to NYHEP. Additional information will be provided on the June 2, 2023, monthly contractor check-in webinar.

We recognize this postponement may cause some inconvenience to participating contractors and vendors; however, it is necessary in order to ensure a smooth system transition. Prior to the transition, we encouraged you to close out as much in-progress work as possible to minimize the impacts of this transition.

To help ensure contractor staff are fully prepared for the transition, we will take advantage of the additional time to provide additional training opportunities and office hours in the upcoming weeks to allow contractors more time to experience the new system, to answer questions, and ensure all impacted contractor staff have sufficient time to become familiar with the new system before the transition. A sandbox version of the NYHEP will remain open through July, allowing contractors to practice on sample projects and attend open ended Office hours to address any issues that may be found. If additional support is needed, contractors are encouraged to reach out to their account managers for assistance.

We recognize this postponement may cause some inconveniences to participating contractors; however, it is necessary in order to ensure a smoother system transition.

Additional Training and Office Hours are scheduled in May to allow contractors more time to experience the new system and ensure all impacted contractor staff have sufficient time to become familiar with the new system before the transition. A sandbox version of the NYHEP will be available April 10 through June, allowing contractors to submit sample projects and attend Open Office hours to address any issues that may be found.

Our current NYHEP launch timeline is as follows:

For EmPower/Assisted Home Performance Projects:

  • 6/23/23- Applications in Salesforce will be held for the new portal
  • 7/7/23- Contractor Access to Uplight is closed- All projects must be updated by 5 PM
  • 7/10/23- NY Home Energy Portal Opens, Applications previously held from Salesforce will migrate to NYHEP
  • 7/12/23- Payment of all closed projects from Uplight
  • 7/17/23- Projects from Uplight with status of project acceptance, audit claim or earlier will be available in NYHEP at enrollment acceptance step.
  • 7/18/23- Payment begins of projects completed in NYHEP
  • 7/28/23 Remaining open projects from Uplight available in NYHEP
  • 9/1/23-References to EmPower and Assisted Home Performance on websites and printed materials must be updated for EmPower+
  • 9/11/23- Last day for accepting the Combined Residential Application paper version.

For Residential Energy Assessments:

  • 7/7/23- Contractor Access to Uplight is closed- All completed assessments must be submitted by 5 PM
  • 7/10/23- NY Home Energy Portal Opens for new energy assessment submissions
  • 7/12/23- Payment of all closed projects from Uplight
  • 7/18/23- Payment begins for assessments completed in NYHEP

If you have any questions about this transition, please contact your account manager (for EmPower and AHP contractors) or (for REA contractors).

NYSERDA Single Family Programs Update

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To: Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance
Summary: Monthly Contractor Check-in

NYSERDA Single Family Programs Update

Friday, July 7, 2023

8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. ET

Webinar number 2592 797 3252

Event password: Energy1

All attendees must register prior to joining the event. This process will allow you to add the meeting to your calendar and provides each individual with a custom link to join the meeting. Please do not share your link with anyone. To register, please click here.

All webinars are recorded and links to the recordings are available on the Contractor Support site.

NY Home Energy Portal Trainees

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To: Participating Contractors and Vendors
Regarding Programs: EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance
Summary: NY Home Energy Portal Trainees
Contact: Please reach out to your Account Manager

Each week in May and June, staff from the Residential Energy Assessment (REA) and EmPower/AHP Programs will hold Office Hours to field questions on the NY Home Energy Portal (NYHEP). Each office hour session will cover a specific topic, please make sure you are registering for a session that covers your training needs. Participating contractors should bring their “How do I…“ questions on modeling, forms/reports, homework assignments, etc. to be prepared for the transition to the NY HEP in June. Use the registration links below to sign up for the Office Hour sessions. The remaining Office Hour Time slots are provided below:

Registration LinkDay/TimeTopic
Office Hours #8Wed, May 31, 9-10 AMEmPower+/Appliance
Office Hours #9Thu, Jun 8, 3-4 PMAll Workflows
Office Hours #10Tue, Jun 13, 3-4 PMAll Workflows
Office Hours #11Wed, Jun 21, 9-10 AMAll Workflows
Office Hours #12Thu, Jun 29, 3-4 PMAll Workflows

NY Home Energy Portal Initial Training

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To: Participating Contractors and Vendors
Regarding Programs: EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance
Summary: NY Home Energy Portal Initial Training
Contact: Please reach out to your Account Manager

Participating Contractors and Vendors that did not attend either an in-person or virtual training for the NY Home Energy Portal (NEHEP) must view a training recording and complete the assigned homework to receive NYHEP login credentials. Instructions below outline the steps:

  • Sign-up by sending your name, company, and email address to
    • Users will receive a welcome email with their log-in credentials for the learning environment on a weekly cadence, links to the training video, homework assignment and additional resources
  • View training recording locate at
  • Complete the two homework assignments
    • Upon approval, access to the production environment will be provided when the system goes live.

Separate login credentials are required for each NYHEP user. Shared logins are a security risk for both NYSERDA and your company.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager.

Knob and Tube Wiring

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To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Assisted Home Performance and EmPower
Summary: Knob and Tube wiring
Contact: Account Manager

Effective immediately, NYSERDA has made the following changes related to the removal of active/live knob and tube wiring from a home so shell measures can be completed. Participating contractors shall follow the requirements of the local jurisdiction when completing any electrical work in a home, including when the removal of knob and tube is required.

This means that Participating contractors are no longer required to use a licensed electrician to remove active/live knob and tube wiring, unless a licensed electrician is required by the local jurisdiction where work is being performed.