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Tag: EmPower+

Updated Income Limits

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To: EmPower+ Participating Contractors, Regional Clean Energy Hubs
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: Updated Income Limits for EmPower+
Contact: Contact your Account Manager

The income limits for EmPower+ have been updated and are effective as of November 1, 2023. These income limits are based on 2023-2024 State Median Income numbers provided by the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and 2023 Area Median Income numbers provided by The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The updated guidelines can be found in Section 3.4 of the Program Manual and on the EmPower+ webpage.

All websites and program materials have been updated to reflect these changes.  If you have any questions about these changes, please contact your Account Manager.

OTDA HERR Benefits Increased

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To: EmPower+ Participating Contractors, Clean Energy Hubs
Regarding Programs: EmPower+ (Low-Income Eligible Households)
Summary: OTDA HERR benefit increased to $4,000 for repair and $8,000 for heating system replacement
Contact: Contact your Account Manager

Effective October 2, 2023, the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) has increased the benefit available through the Heating Equipment Repair or Replacement (HERR) Benefit to $4,000 for a repair and $8,000 for a replacement.  The HERR Benefit provides incentives for eligible low-income homeowners to repair or replace failed direct heating equipment. In addition, the maximum resource limit for HERR was increased to $10,000.

Low-Income households looking to participate in HERR, can call a Local District Contact. If it is determined the low-income household is not eligible for the HERR Benefit or if the HERR Benefit will not cover the entire cost of the system, the household may be eligible for incentives through EmPower+. Please refer to the No Heat Guidelines Section 5.9 of the Program Manual for additional information. 

If there are any questions, please contact your Account Manager.

NYSERDA Single Family Programs Update

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To: Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: December Monthly Contractor Check-in – Cancelled

NYSERDA Single Family Programs Update

Friday,  December 1, 2023

8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. ET

Webinar number 2537 808 2933

Event password: Energy1

All attendees must register prior to joining the event. This process will allow you to add the meeting to your calendar and provides each individual with a custom link to join the meeting. Please do not share your link with anyone. To register, please click here.

All webinars are recorded and links to the recordings are available on the Contractor Support site.

Identifying Available Employment Opportunities for Asylum Seekers

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To: Participating EmPower+, REA and Comfort Home contractors
Regarding Programs: Workforce Development & Training
Summary: Contractor Recruitment

Identifying Available Employment

Opportunities for Asylum Seekers

Governor Hochul recently announced a program that will greatly expand the State’s ability to help asylum seekers quickly gain lawful employment with buisnesses looking to hire. New York State Department of Labor (DOL) career experts are working with individuals to asses skills, work history, education, career interests and more so they can begin working immediately after obtaining federal work authorization. Meanwhile, businesses can access a new portal to inform the State they would welcome newly-authorized individuals into their workforce.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please

NYSERDA’s Workforce Development and Training Team

EmPower+ Customer Acceptance Extension

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To: EmPower+ Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: EmPower+ Customer Acceptance Extension
Contact: Please reach out to your Account Manager

The Empower+ program is announcing an extension of the time contractors have to accept customers in the NYHEP portal from 5 business days and one 5 business day extension to 15 calendar days with one 5 calendar day extension. The program encourages contractors to accept customers as soon as possible so they have the best program experience. This extension will remain in effect until current portal stability issues have been thoroughly resolved. If there are any questions, please contact your Account Manager.