Appliance Vendor Contacts
Programs: EmPower+
To: Participating Contractors
Summary: Appliance Vendor Contacts
Questions: Contractor Support
The Program wanted to highlight a feature of NYHEP that is available to contractors to surface and provide appliance vendor information in the event a customer reaches out to them directly. This feature is available to enhance customer service by providing timely and accurate information regarding appliance vendors.
Vendor information can be found in NYHEP under Main Menu>Enrollments, entering identifying information in the corresponding field (last name, street address, etc.) and selecting ‘Appliance’ in the Program field before clicking Search.
The vendor’s name can be found in the ‘Installer’ column. If ‘Installer’ is blank, the appliance order has not yet been placed. Results can be further filtered or sorted by Enrollment Status.
The list of participating appliance vendors is located on the Program Contacts page of the Contractor Support website,
If you have any questions, please reach out to Contractor Support.