To: Contractors offering NYSERDA Green Jobs – Green New York (GJGNY) Residential Loans
Regarding Programs: Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® (AHP), GJGNY Residential Financing Program, NY-Sun, NYS Clean Heat, Comfort Home, Residential Energy Audit Program
Summary: GJGNY Financing and Audit Changes to Eligible Measures
Contact: [email protected]
Note – Date Change!
The 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection (Climate Act) calls for a major reduction in the use of fossil fuels for vehicles, buildings, and power plants to help protect our communities and ensure a sustainable future for every New Yorker. By doing our part, we’ll lower harmful emissions in the air we breathe while transforming New York’s economy, creating new jobs, and building more resilient communities.
In support of the Climate Act, NYSERDA is making the following changes to the Green Jobs – Green New York (GJGNY) Residential Financing Program and the Residential Energy Audit Program, effective September 14, 2022.
Green Jobs – Green New York (GJGNY) Residential Financing Program Changes
- Fossil fuel heating equipment
NYSERDA will end GJGNY financing for delivered non-natural gas fuel heating equipment (oil, propane, kerosene, wood), except in a “no-heat” situation for low- to moderate-income (LMI) customers (customers with a household income of less than or equal to 80% of the Area Median Income). A “no-heat situation” is defined as a home where the primary heating source is inoperable, and the home cannot be served by the OTDA Home Equipment Repair and Replacement (HERR) program. Market-rate customers (customers with household income > 80% AMI) will not be eligible for the “no-heat exception”.
- Natural gas furnaces
For installed natural gas furnaces, NYSERDA will now require electric savings from ECM motors included in the work scope, be 96% efficient, and replace a furnace that is 80% efficient or less. Mobile Homes may use 95% mobile home rated furnaces.
- Fossil fuel water heating equipment
NYSERDA will only provide financing for heat pump water heater (HPWH) and electric resistance domestic hot water equipment. Financing will end for fossil fuel water heaters except in health and safety situations where power vent natural gas water heaters may be installed when HPWH are not viable. It is recommended that electric resistance heaters only be used in those cases when a HPWH cannot be installed, and the existing water heater is non-functioning. Only HPWH will be considered a prequalified measure.
- Electric to natural gas dryer conversions
No longer eligible for financing
See the updated list of the measures eligible for financing, effective September 14, 2022. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact Heather Clark at [email protected] or 518-862-1090 ext. 3253.