Pre/Post Installation Report Submission Reminder
To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Assisted Home Performance and EmPower
Summary: Pre/Post Installation Report submission reminder
Contact: Please reach out to your account manager
As a reminder for all Assisted Home Performance and EmPower New York projects, EmPCalc v 8.14+ and later generates both pre-installation and post installation measures reports, which outline the proposed and installed energy efficiency measures and energy savings for each project. Prior to the start of work, participating contractors must review the proposed measures being installed with the household and have them sign the pre-installation report. Following the completion of work, the household is required to review and sign the post-EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance Program installation report. At the time of final project submission, the participating contractor must upload both the signed pre-installation and post installation reports.
Please reach out to your account manager with any questions on these reports or the final project submission process.