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New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!

New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!

To: All Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower NY and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR
Summary: New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!

The current Participation Agreement for the EmPower NY (EmPower), Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® (AHP) and Comfort Home programs expires on September 30, 2022. The new Participation Agreement and Contractor Application is available now and must be submitted by September 30, 2022, to ensure seamless participation in NYSERDA’s programs.

As announced previously, there is one Residential Contractor Participation Agreement (Participation Agreement/PA) that is applicable to all of NYSERDA’s residential energy efficiency programs. This allows for a single document outlining the terms and conditions of NYSERDA program participation. Specific rules, procedures and policies for each individual program are available in program specific manual, which continue to be separate documents.

Please note, this updated PA is not applicable for EmPower NY Appliance Vendors. The existing process remains in place for Appliance Vendors and an updated Vendor Agreement will be available in the upcoming weeks.

To Re-apply for EmPower/AHP:

  • For current Participating Contractors, make sure to select that you are a “New Applicant” on the Contractor Application (see red box below). Please note, failure to follow these instructions will result in your application being delayed.
  • Please select all programs you are applying for – regardless of your existing participation status
  • The new Participation Agreement opens up participation in the Comfort Home to all contractors. If you wish to enroll in Comfort Home, review the Comfort Home Pilot Manual and select that option when you submit your new application.
  • When reapplying for EmPower and AHP, current contractors will need to provide the following documentation:
    • Completed and signed Contractor Application
    • Current Certificate of Insurance w/ NYSERDA and the State of New York named as additional insured and NYSERDA and the State of New York as the Certificate Holder per the below. Please note, NYSERDA requires updated insurance certificate submissions, regardless of any documents currently on file.
  • Optional: Submit a Supplemental Information Form found in Section 2 of the Program Manual if you need to update staff or contact information.

Once completed, Contractor Application and supporting documents can be sent to:

For EmPower and AHP Participating Contractors, the Program Manual is available for contractors on the HPwES Contractor Support Site.

For questions, please contact or reach out to your account manager.