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Find a Contractor Site Improvements

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NYSERDA is pleased to announce improvements to the “Find a Contractor Site” located at These improvements should be live at the time of this announcement or shortly thereafter. Historically, this site was updated at planned intervals, so there was a lag time between when a contractor notified the Program of changes to their contact information and when those changes were live on the website. Now, this site is directly connected to the NYSERDA Salesforce Program Partnership records, so any updates will immediately be seen on the website once Program staff has updated and saved the record. In addition, the Search feature has been expanded to include county served, which will surface contractors who serve a specific county and/or are located in specific county:

Contractors are asked to check their information on this website at regular intervals to ensure it is up to date. If a change is required, a case can be submitted to with any requested updates.

Also as a clarification, the Find a Contractor site hosted by Uplight at is still searchable through browsers but is not considered an active NYSERDA website and contractors are not encouraged to use this. Over the upcoming months as the Program transitions from Uplight to the New York Home Energy Portal, this webpage will be decommissioned.

If there are any questions, please reach out to your account manager.