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EmPower+ Geo-eligibility Ending

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To: EmPower+ Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: EmPower+ Geo-eligibility Ending
Contact: Additional information will be provided in upcoming Program Announcements and on the February 2nd Contractor Webinar

Effective February 1, 2024, geo-eligibility will no longer be an option for determining EmPower+ income eligibility. Certain funding sources that support EmPower+ do not allow for geo-eligibility as an option for income verification. Below are estimated dates for the transition away from geo-eligibility:

  • Now through January 31, 2024- Program will continue to approve EmPower+ applications where the household was determined through geo-eligibility to be income-eligible.
  • February 1, 2024- geo-eligibility will be shut down in the online application and on the EmPower+ Application web page. References to geo-eligibility will be removed from EmPower+ web pages and program documentation.
    • Households that have been determined to be geo-eligible prior to the shut off will have until April 15, 2024, to have work completed. After the shut off of geo-eligibility, contractors will be given a list of customers who qualified with geo-eligibility.
  • April 15, 2024- Any EmPower+ project where the household was determined eligible by geo-eligibility will need to be completed and closed out. Projects that are not completed at this time will be closed by CLEAResult. When the customer reapplies, a new enrollment will be created for them. Contractors can enter the information from the previous enrollment into the new enrollment.

Households determined to be eligible for EmPower+ through geo-eligibility will be sent an email and letter from NYSERDA. They will be informed them that their project must be completed no later than April 15, 2024, or they will need to reapply to the program.

This change is only applicable to geo-eligibility in EmPower+; it does not impact the geo-eligibility determination for interest rates through NYSERDA’s Residential Loan Fund.

Additional information will be provided in upcoming Program Announcements and on the February 2nd Contractor Webinar.