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EmPower+ Customer Acceptance

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To: EmPower+ Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower+
Summary: EmPower+ Customer Acceptance
Contact: Please reach out to Contractor Support at 800-284-9069

In September, the EmPower+ program announced an extension to the time contractors have to accept customers in the New York Home Energy Portal (NYHEP) to 15 calendar days with one 5 business day extension. Effective January 1, 2024, this process reverted back to the original timeline.

  • Initial Contractor Assignment- Contractor has 5 business days to accept the Enrollment and can request a one-time, 5 business day extension.

In early 2024, NYHEP will be enhanced to semi-automate assignments to reduce project acceptance wait times and improve the customer experience. . When this automation is rolled-out, the assignment timeline will be updated as follows:

  • Initial Contractor Assignment- Contractor has 5 business days to accept the Enrollment and can request a one-time, 5-business day extension.
  • Second Contractor Assignment-If the initial Contractor does not accept the Enrollment within the initial 5 day w/5 day extension period or rejects it, the Enrollment will be auto-assigned to a second Contractor who will have 5 business days to accept the Enrollment. No extensions will be granted to the second contractor.
  • Third Contractor Assignment- If the second Contractor does not accept the Enrollment within 5 business days, the Enrollment will get auto-assigned to a third Contractor who will have 5 business days to accept the Enrollment. No extensions will be granted to the third contractor.
  • Final Contractor Assignment- If the third Contractor fails to accept the Enrollment, it will get sent to a manual assignment queue where the implementor will work with a Contractor to get the customer accepted.

It is imperative for Contractors to routinely check their customer assignment queues. If you know you cannot serve a particular household, then decline the assignment in a timely manner so the customer can get assigned to another Contractor. This will help maintain a positive customer experience.

If there are any questions, please contact Customer Support at 800-284-9069.