EmPCalc Versioning History
Version Updates:
8.4.1 | Release date: 5/22/2023
- Fixed miscellaneous calculations
- Corrected pricing for Advanced Power Strip – Tier 2
- EUL updated throughout to match TRM v10
- Distribution Improvements costs included in CSV
8.4 | Release date: 3/10/2023
- Updated Measure and Mileage pricing
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Fixed an issue with MH Belly Insulation showing up as prequalified, it now shows up as a standard measure
- Fixed an issue with Wood Pellet pricing using the tonnage price per pound and inflating $
- Boiler Reset Control inputs have been clarified and EUL has been updated
- EFLH, HDD, CDD, Avg. Temp, have been updated to reflect NY TRM V10
- Inputs have been updated and now allow for efficiency inputs in SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2
8.3.3 | Release date: 11/21/2022
- Fixed compatibility issue with Excel 2016
- Fixed an issue with the customer address and project location not functioning properly
Project Information:
- Fixed an issue with delivered fuel costs not populating
Direct Install:
- Fixed an issue that occurred when an unavailable fridge/freezer size was inputted
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Fixed an issue with delivered fuel therms conversion rates in the calculation of the MMBtu Percent Reduction
- Candelabra savings calculation adjusted to match TRM
- 2nd story wall pricing now only occurs when Dense Pack insulation is used
- Resolved an issue that occurred when an Oil Tank Removal measure was un-targeted
8.3.2 | Release date: 11/17/2022
- Fixed compatibility issue with Excel 2016
- Fixed an issue with the customer address and project location not functioning properly
Direct Install:
- Fixed an issue that occurred when an unavailable fridge/freezer size was inputted
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Fixed an issue with delivered fuel therms conversion rates in the calculation of the MMBtu Percent Reduction
- Candelabra savings calculation adjusted to match TRM
- 2nd story wall pricing now only occurs when Dense Pack insulation is used
- Resolved an issue that occurred when an Oil Tank Removal measure was un-targeted
8.3.1 | Release date: 10/6/2022
- Mileage rate has been updated
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Fixed an issue with the heating/cooling overrides for GSHP
- Edited the insulation, heat pump water heater, and duct sealing formulas to capture the SEER from heat pumps if applicable
- Fixed issues affecting incentives for Distribution Improvements
- Fixed issues affecting incentives for Boiler Pipe Insulation
- Adjusted the Pellet Stove Tier 3 incentive cap on Measure list from an incorrect $2000 to a corrected $1000
- Edited the insulation, heat pump water heater, and duct sealing formulas to capture the SEER from heat pumps if applicable
Non-Energy Upgrades:
- Fixed issues prohibiting the use of cost override on Dryer Vents and Bath Fan Venting on Tier 1 projects
- Fixed issues affecting well pump replacement and ventilation fan incentives
Pre-Install Measure Report:
- Fixed issues affecting quantities for bath/dryer fans
8.3 | Release date: 9/9/2022
- Fixed issues with HPXML (xml) export, including
- Conversion to electric measures not reporting fossil fuel savings
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Added Movable Window Insulation measure
- Modified wall insulation measures to allow for increased cost of insulating walls above 1st floor from the exterior
- Increased measure cost caps for replacement of inoperable heating systems
Non-Energy Upgrades:
- Added Distribution Improvement measure
- Added Ventilation Fans measure
Audit Report:
- Added new measures to Audit Report
8.2.1 | Release date: 8/19/2022
Direct Install:
- Refrigerators or Freezers no longer able to be targeted in Section A on the Direct Install tab for Tier 3 projects
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Fixed issues with AHRI inputs for GSHP projects
- Fixed an issue with PLCE being required when all targeted measures are prequalified
- Fixed issues with Summary tab’s “Customer Contribution Necessary for PLCE pass”
- Permits no longer hard coded as not Prequalified
Audit & DI Certificate of Completion (COC):
Updated Audit & DI CoC form with measures for renters that require landlord permission prior to installation
8.2 | Release date: 8/4/2022
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
Project Information tab:
- Updated Audit section to include reasons when Blower Door or Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) testing is not completed
Energy Efficiency Upgrades tab:
- New Permits section to capture permitting costs
Non-Energy Efficiency Upgrades tab:
- Updated Oil Tank Removal section for expanded funding opportunity
Summary tab:
- New 0.8 Project Level Cost Effectiveness (PLCE) calculations
- Added Customer Contribution needed for PLCE Pass field to calculate any remaining contribution needed
Forms tab (new):
- Program forms have been added and pre-populate as inputs are made. Inputs can also be made directly to the program forms and will update the corresponding EmPCalc v8.2 entry, when available. Forms can be printed as a PDF for use electronically or printed as paper copy
- New tab with pre-populated program forms
Audit & DI Certificate of Completion (CoC) tab (new):
- Updated Audit & DI Certificate of Completion (CoC) and moved into EmPCalc v8.2
- Added Energy Saving Direct Install Measures section to easily indicate installation status of measures
- Updated Building Leakage & Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) Testing section
- Reorganized Blower Door Testing inputs
- Added checkboxes to indicate if heating, water heater or oven is electric and therefore testing is not applicable (NA)
- Added checkboxes to indicate when blower door or CAZ testing was not completed and space to explain why
Post-Install Measure Report tab:
- Added Building Leakage & Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) Testing section for Test Out data | Release date: 7/7/2022
- Fixed issue with projects in Niagara region
- Corrected wood and pellet unit pricing
Project Information:
- Added options list to Audit Information / Additional Fee Type to account for ‘No Shows’
- Fixed issue with Air Sealing Incentives
6.9.1 | Release date: 6/30/2022
- Changed IRS updated Mileage rate
8.1.8 | Release date: 6/30/2022
Project Information:
- Changed IRS updated Mileage rate
- Updated delivered fuel pricing
- Updated Region to match NYSERDA’s delivered fuel regions
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Fixed Thermostat saving units to kBtu/hr
- Fixed issue with Central Air Conditioning Incentive
CSV export:
- Updates and bug fixes
- Fixed miscellaneous errors
8.1.7 | Release date: 6/24/2022
- Added KEDNY Equity Program measures
Project Information:
- Region now auto-populates based on project location
- Household size limited to 6 individuals
Direct Install:
- Fridge/Freezer pricing updates
- Fridge/Freezer kWh now calculates based on size and configuration
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Insulation Accessories rearranged and auto-calculates total costs
- Fixed measures Prequalification status
- Message alerts when data is missing
- Insulation location now included in Summary Tab
CSV export:
- Added missing data from multiple measures to messaging alerts
- Updates and bug fixes
Audit Report:
- Fixed formatting issues on PDF
- Fixed recommended measures data presentation
- Added recommended measure total cost
- Cleaned up images file size
- Fixed miscellaneous errors | Release date: 5/18/2022
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- EC Motor saving calculations corrected
- Fixed Tier 3 DI (B) incentive percentage
- Incentive caps now take into account other grants/incentives
CSV export:
- Fixed
- Added DWH Pressure Relief Drain tube
- Tier 3 projects only show DI measures
Fixed Miscellaneous errors
8.1.6+ | Release date: 5/10/2022
- Added checks for commonly missed data entries
- Fixed HPXML and CSV related issues
Energy Efficiency Upgrades:
- Fixed issues related to Air Source Heat Pump measures
- Made corrections to insulation R-values
- Changed Total Insulation R-value to include existing and added R-values
- Added Closed Cell Foam insulation as an option for Garage Ceilings
- Fixed Prequalified measure indicators
- Added column for Customer Contributions (labeled ‘Actual’) to override Estimated when needing to improve Project Cost Effectiveness
CSV export:
Corrected MMBTU savings
8.1.4+ | Release date: 4/15/2022
New version aligned with Program updates as of March 28, 2020. This updated version corrects functionality issues encountered in v8.0-8.1.2.
6.9 | Release date: 3/31/2022
Corrected Mileage and Air Sealing Labor Rate pricing
6.8 | Release date: 3/17/2022
- Updated measure pricing
AHP Direct Install:
- Delete all history from prior projects when switching to AHP Direct Install Program Type
ASHP Calculator:
- Modified formatting Max ASHP Heating Cap at Des Tmp °F to highlight cell when input is required
Modified Installed Cost formulas to address rounding errors occurring in the Uplight Portal
6.7 | Release date: 1/20/2022
Mileage reimbursement per mile updated to 58.5 cents to align with the 2022 IRS Standard Mileage Rate.
6.6 | Release date: 10/8/2021
- Removed COVID 19 compliance requirement language
- Added Project Deferral option
DHW Tank:
- Removed Heat Pump Demonstration Program option
ASHP Calculator:
- Removed Heat Pump Demonstration Program option
GSHP Calculator:
- Removed Heat Pump Demonstration Program option
Heating Systems:
- Eliminated NFG WiFi thermostat pricing of $150.00 so all Upstate WiFi thermostats incentives are the same.
- Added Pellet Stove as Heating System Replacement option.
6.5 | Release date: 7/1/2021
ASHP Calculator:
- Updated ASHP Calculator to match ASHP Proforma – Clean Heating and Cooling – 6.22.2021 v.2021.3.xlsm
- Added capacity to better handle systems installed in areas with outside design temperatures between 12 °F and 17°F
- Modified weather stations associated with locations with outside design temperatures significantly different than those in the greater surrounding region.
- Modified Post Completion Efficiency formula to fix error when Heating System – Duct and Heating System Repair is proposed (but no T & C is proposed).
Heating System:
- Modified formula that determines percentage of fuel allocated for space heating when space and dwh use the same fuel by factoring in the UEF of the dwh system.
6.4 | Release date: 6/7/2021
EmPower Package:
- Added Attic Floored as option for attic insulation (6” & 8” ceiling joist cavities)
- Modified foam pricing significant digits to eliminate rounding errors in measure cost
Foam Board
Closed Cell Foam
Open Cell Foam
Rim Joist Foam
Band Joist Foam
- Modified formulas that were causing high electrical savings when heat pumps are proposed.
ASHP Calculator & GSHP Calculator:
- Modified formula for “MEASURED Annual Fuel Use (for Space Heating ONLY)” {brown cell} so that DHW btus are not included when domestic water is heated with the same fuel the home is heated with.
6.3 | Release date: 4/8/2021
Updated foam pricing (Contractor Resource Manual – Section 7.7)
Foam Board
Closed Cell Foam
Open Cell Foam
Rim Joist Foam
Band Joist Foam
6.2 | Release date: 3/29/2021
ASHP Calculator tab:
Updated incentive pricing for Downstate to match FAQ
Invoice tab:
Fixed Invoice worksheet Freezer 1 & Freezer 2 Size labels
6.1 | Release date: 3/4/2021
Updated fuel pricing (New York Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Energy Pricing)
Changed Hard Wood energy content to 24,000,000 Btu/cord
Cover tab:
Zip Code restricted to 5 digits
Heating Systems:
Updated Furnace Filter and Filter Slot Cover pricing
Air Sealing:
Fixed issue with Air Sealing Savings calculation
ASHP & GSHP Calculator tab:
Various formatting data validation modifications
6.0 | Release date: 2/11/2021
Updated measure pricing
5.9.2 | Release date: 1/4/2021
Fixed issues with savings calculations for delivered fuels affecting AHP projects exported to the Portal.
Fixed issues with Landlord Contribution Measure dropdown list.
ASHP/GSHP Calculator:
Fixed formulas for Coal pricing.
Base heating system Fuel Use Override is now locked with Annual Fuel Use that is entered in the Cover tab.
ASHP Calculator:
Fixed HSPF Total/Weighted Avg so it now averages HSPF when there are multiple systems with different HSPFactors.
Added ‘Outside’ text to Design Temp (this field should be outside Design Temp from Manual J, not inside.)
5.9.1 | Release date: 12/18/2020
Fixed issues preventing Freezer 1 from calculating savings.
ASHP/GSHP Calculator:
Fixed formulas for Coal pricing.
Approval: HP Demo Electric and Ductwork modification costs are no longer double accounted for in the heat pump cost.
5.9 | Release date: 12/8/2020
General: Removed Soft Wood as a fuel type.
Heat Pump Study Program:
ASHP Calculator tab updated and Heat Pump Study features added.
GSHP Calculator tab added (with Heat Pump Study features).
DHW Tank tab updated with Heat Pump Study features
Refrigerator & Freezers: Updated pricing and location availability. Added note when a specific size is not available.
DWH Tank: Added clarifying language about Replacement Recovery Efficiency and where to find it.
UEF can now be entered as a decimal number.
Audit Report: Repaired issues with generating an audit report.
General – Unlocked the Express Contract Project ID cell so an ID number can be added when EmPCalc is first opened up.
Fixed Invoice cost for Fire Protection so it now reflects Upstate/Downstate price differences.
Corrected double accounting for refrigerator costs in Approval tab when Includes Agency Fee box is checked in the Fridge_Freezer tab.
5.8 | Release date: 9/4/2020
All non-AHP Direct Install data is now deleted when that is selected as the Project Type.
Invoice and Approval tabs now correctly include costs for Attic Accessories added to the Health & Safety tab and Fireproofing. (Only effects EmPower Projects)
5.7 | Release date: 8/10/2020
General – Modified how attic insulation accessory costs are allocated in the Health and Safety tab for EmPower projects. Attic Ventilation, and Attic Insulation related measures entered in the Health and Safety tab will now be added to Attic insulation measure(s) and SIR for EmPower projects.
AHPDI projects – Modified tool to restrict MUNI electric customer’s from accessing AHPDI incentives.
General – Corrected issues that were disabling tool when accessing the Invoice worksheet and producing an Audit Report
Notes tab – Unlocked text-box so information can be copied for adding to Portal
5.6.1 | Release date: 7/16/2020
General – Corrected issues with generating HPXML export file for AHPwES projects.
ASHP Calculator Tab – Opened option to indicate if ASHP will satisfy whole house full load.
5.6 | Release date: 7/10/2020
Added “AHP Direct Install Measures” Tab for the Assisted Home Performance – Direct Install program. See {insert link} for details.
Added “Healthy Homes” and “Healthy Homes Export” Tabs for the Healthy Homes program. See {insert link} for details.
Cover Tab – Added “AHPDI” to “Program Type”.
Cover Tab – Added “Healthy Homes” to Program Type.
Cover Tab – Removed “Market Only” option.
Cover Tab – Added “AHP Direct Install” to Audit Type.
Added “ASHP Calculator” Tab for air source heat pump improvement measures.
Cover Tab – Added “ASHP” measure.
Cover Tab – Added “Project Type” for special programs.
Added “Cooling Systems” Tab for Room Air Conditioners (RAC) and Central Air Conditioner (CAC) improvement measures.
Added “Cooling Replacement” measure.
Cover Tab – Added “Program Type” options for special program integration.
5.3.45 | Release date: 6/19/2020
Language added to attest that work submitted to the Program was conducted in compliance with COVID 19 requirements.
5.3.44 | Release date: 6/2/2020
Deduction of Landlord Contribution is present on Cover Tab when dollar amount is entered and a measure is selected.
Fridge_Freezer Tab – New notes section to enter explanation of faulty appliance(s) that need replacement.
Insulation Tab – Landlord Contribution section to enter dollar amount and measure.
Insulation Tab – New notes section to enter any information regarding the existing or proposed insulation.
Notes Tab – General Notes section to enter any additional notes that will write to the Black Notes section (below.)
Notes Tab – Black Notes section which collects all notes throughout EmPCalc and is not editable. These notes should continue to be copied and pasted into the Portal for the Review Team.
Formatting Updates throughout EmPCalc – Various formatting to visually enhance EmPCalc for better user experience.