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Compass Reminders

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To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Compass Reminders

Below are common errors we are seeing with Compass submissions and want to provide reminders on importance and how to correct these issues.

  • Arbitrary homeowner phone numbers and emails are being entered in Compass. To ensure that our QA team can reach out to homeowners to complete inspections we need these fields to be completed and accurate every time. If the homeowner doesn’t have an email address enter to meet the fields requirements and if they do not have a phone number enter all zeros (000-000-0000).
  • Contract Signature Date on Load Reduction and HVAC Installs are left blank. This field is new to Compass as of a couple months. If you are submitting a Load Reduction or HVAC Install enter the date the homeowner signed the contract into the field on the basic data section.

If you have any questions reach out the Comfort Home team at:


Phone: 1-888-406-4009