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ACH Requirements for heat pump installations in manufactured/mobile homes

To: All Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower & AHPwES
Summary: ACH Requirements for heat pump installations in manufactured/mobile homes

After careful consideration, the Program team has determined that the current Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) requirement for heat pump installation in manufactured/mobile homes is increased from 7 ACH to 12 ACH. This is an interim solution while NYSERDA does additional research to determine insulation levels and air tightness parameters for a variety of housing types in New York’s different climate zones.

Participating Contractors who had previous manufactured/mobile home projects denied because they could not meet the 7 ACH threshold are encouraged to resubmit those projects for reconsideration if they can meet the 12 ACH requirement. Please note, to be approved, these projects will need show utility bill savings for the household.

For questions, please reach out to your account manager or contact