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Project Photo Requirements Update

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Program/s: EmPower+
To: Participating Contractors
Summary: Project Photo Requirements Update
Questions: Please contact Contractor Support at 1-800-284-9069.

Effective for EmPower+ final project submissions on or after October 1, 2024, project photos will need to be time-stamped, geo-tagged and aggregated into a single document for submission to the program. A single PDF document for each project is required to be submitted and can be made using a commercial product such as CompanyCam or the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory  Quality Install Tool | PNNL. Alternately, a contractor can create a visible geo-tag for each photo individually and aggregate the photos into a single PDF.

EmPower+ project submission photo requirements were covered as part of the Single-Family Residential Program webinar on September 6, 2024. A recording of the webinar is located here.

Please attend the October 4th Single Family Residential Program  webinar for additional information on project photo requirements. In addition, Program Manual updates to project photo requirements will be posted on the contractor support site during the week of October 7, 2024.

If there are any questions, please contact Contractor Support at 1-800-284-9069.