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Help Tax Credit Fact Sheets/Website

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To: Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Comfort Home Pilot Program
Summary: Help Tax Credit Fact Sheets/Website

NYSERDA has launched a very helpful website about the IRA Tax Credits and NYS Incentives available to homeowners.

Inflation Reduction Act – NYSERDA

The website includes Federal IRA Tax Credits and NYS Incentives/Tax Credits information for:

  • Home Clean Electricity Products
  • Heating, Cooling, and Water Heating
  • Other Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Utilize this website to educate yourself and share with homeowners receiving services with the applicable measures eligible for tax credits.

For those that are Heat Pump contractors the Clean Heat Connect group has also developed the following fact sheet to provide quick and clear details on the heat pump tax credits and how to max out your customers incentives!