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Residential Energy Assessments – Archive

Events, Training Opportunities and ConferencesArchive
Residential Energy AssessmentsArchive
Comfort Home PilotArchive
Green Jobs – Green New York Residential FinancingArchive
General AnnouncementsArchive


REA Enrollments in Assessment Submission Step for 60 Days – New NYHEP Feature

Program/s: Residential Energy Assessment Program
To: REA Contractors
Summary: REA Enrollments in Assessment Submission Step for 60 Days – New NYHEP Feature
Contact with Questions:[email protected]

NYHEP will be configured to automatically cancel a Residential Energy Assessment (REA) enrollment that has been Open in the Assessment Submission step for 60 days on January 31.  Upon canceling the enrollment, an email will be sent to the primary Trade Ally contact listed in the Trade Ally Information section of the Applicant Information tab within the Assessment Submission step.  All new enrollments created after January 31 will be subject to canceling if the enrollment is open for 60 days in the Assessment Submission step. An announcement will be posted on the NYHEP home page regarding this feature.

If an enrollment needs to be reopened after it gets canceled, please reach out to Contractor Support at [email protected] or 800-284-9069.

In addition to this feature, a clean-up effort of canceling REA enrollments in the Assessment Submission step for more than 60 days will be completed throughout the month of January.  If your company has open enrollment(s) older than 60 days in the Assessment Submission step, you will receive an email with a list of the enrollment numbers that will be canceled. Contractors can cancel enrollments on their own using the ‘Cancel’ outcome selection, then clicking ‘Process’ within the Assessment Submission step.


Updated REA Customer Attestation Form

Program/s: Residential Energy Assessment Program
To: All REA Contractors
Summary: Updated REA Customer Attestation Form – August 26, 2024
Contact with Questions:[email protected]

Details:  A revised version of the REA Customer Attestation Form has been posted to the REA Contractor Website.  Enrollments submitted on or after August 26, 2024, will need to use the new attestation form.  The update includes a new release authorization allowing NYSERDA to share project information with the customer’s utilities and Department of Public Service as well as verbiage that participating contractors are independent contractors.


Updated Customer Attestation Form

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA
Summary: Updated Customer Attestation Form
Contact: [email protected]

NYSERDA has released an updated Attestation Form for use in the Residential Energy Assessment (REA) Program. There were minor updates to permissions to include required data sharing with the Department of Public Service as they regulate the work that NYSERDA does and the U.S. Department of Energy in preparation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding.

This file (1-V3) should be used immediately and is available on the Contractor Website. All customer signatures dated March 1, 2024 and beyond must use the new form.

NYHEP Customer Creation

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA
Summary: NYHEP Customer Creation
Contact: [email protected]

Updates have been made in NYHEP v3.0 to streamline the customer creation process. Drop-down options have been adjusted and additional values from the Customer page will now migrate to the Account and Premise pages. All updates can be reviewed in the REA section of Knowledge Base.

REA Find a Contractor Website

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA
Summary: REA Find a Contractor Website
Contact: [email protected]

The Residential Energy Assessment (REA) Participating Contractor Listing has been updated to an online search style and the PDF listing has been retired. Please take a moment to review your listing for accuracy and email [email protected] if any adjustments need to be made.


NYHEP Customer Creation

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA
Summary: NYHEP Customer Creation
Contact: [email protected]

Updates have been made in NYHEP v3.0 to streamline the customer creation process. Drop-down options have been adjusted and additional values from the Customer page will now migrate to the Account and Premise pages. All updates can be reviewed in the REA section of Knowledge Base.

REA Find a Contractor Website

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA
Summary: REA Find a Contractor Website
Contact: [email protected]

The REA Participating Contractor Listing has been updated to an online search style and the PDF listing has been retired. Please take a moment to review your listing for accuracy and email [email protected] if any adjustments need to be made.


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REA Migration to the NY Home Energy Portal Timeline

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA Program
Summary: REA Migration to the NY Home Energy Portal Timeline
Contact: [email protected]

This Spring the Residential Energy Assessment (REA) Programs will be migrating from the current project portal (Uplight) to a new portal called the NY Home Energy Portal (NYHEP). The current Excel tool will be retired, and a new modeling tool will be available directly within NYHEP.

Below is an estimated timeline of the transition. As some of these factors are outside of NYSERDA’s control, this timeline is subject to change.

February 2023– NYSERDA will be working with the NYHEP portal contractor to finalize the design and functionality of the portal and continue internal testing.

March 2023 – Select contractor testing of the new REA workflow.

Thursday, April 27 – Final day to submit any open REA projects to Uplight. Any open projects that have not been submitted will need to be remodeled and submitted through NYHEP.

Week of May 8 – NYHEP opens. Contractors will be able to model and submit REA projects.

Any REA projects that were not completed or on hold as of the April 27 cutoff will not be migrated over to the NYHEP. If a contractor would like to complete one of those open or on hold projects, they will be required to remodel the project and submit for completion in NYHEP.

Weekly invoices will be run as usual.

Uplight projects that had a status of “completed” or “canceled” will be migrated over to the NYHEP in the future and contractors will have access to those projects if needed.

Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File)

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA Program
Summary: Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File)
Contact: [email protected]

A new version of the Residential Market REA Tool is available on the contractor website, updates have been made to fuel rates. We recommend all contractors use the updated version ASAP as the old version will no longer be accepted beginning March 13, 2023.

The latest copy of the REA tool and documentation is available at:

Please contact [email protected] for any questions or concerns.


REA Migration to the NY Home Energy Portal Timeline

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA Program
Summary: REA Migration to the NY Home Energy Portal Timeline
Contact: [email protected]

In Spring 2023 the Residential Energy Assessment Programs will be migrating from the current project portal (Uplight) to a new portal called the NY Home Energy Portal (NYHEP). The current Residential Energy Assessment Excel tool will be retired and a new energy assessment modeling tool will be available directly within NYHEP.

Below is an estimated timeline of the transition specific to the Residential Energy Assessment Program, which is based on the best information we currently have available. As some of these factors are outside of NYSERDA’s control, this timeline is subject to change.

February 2023– NYSERDA will be working with the portal contractor to finalize the design and functionality of the portal and continue internal testing.

March 2023 – Select contractor testing of the new REA workflow.

Thursday, April 27 – Final day to submit any open REA projects to Uplight. Any open projects that have not been submitted will need to be remodeled and submitted through NYHEP.

Week of May 8 – NYHEP opens. Contractors will be able to model and submit REA projects.

Any REA projects that were not completed or on hold as of the April 27 cutoff will not be migrated over to the NYHEP. If a contractor would like to complete one of those open or on hold projects, they will be required to remodel the project and submit for completion in NYHEP.

Weekly invoices will be run as usual.

Uplight projects that had a status of “completed” or “canceled” will be migrated over to the NYHEP in the future and contractors will have access to those projects if needed.


Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File)

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA Program
Summary: Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File)
Contact: [email protected]

A new version of the Residential Market REA Tool is available on the contractor website with an update to the ASHP calculator. We recommend all contractors use the updated version as the old version will no longer be accepted as of February 15, 2023.


Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File)

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA Program
Summary: Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File)
Contact: [email protected]

A new version of the Residential Market REA Tool is available on the contractor website with an update to the ASHP calculator. We recommend all contractors use the updated version as the old version will no longer be accepted as of February 15, 2023.


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REA Invoices

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: REA Program
Summary: REA Invoices
Contact: There will be no REA invoice payments the week of Dec. 26 through Dec. 30

There will be no REA invoice payments the week of Dec. 26 through Dec. 30


Revised REA Audit Tool

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: Residential Market REA Program
Summary: Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File) Trainings
Contact: [email protected]

The Market Rate Residential Energy Assessments (REA) program is hosting open office hours.

Open Office Hours will not have a set agenda but instead encourage existing contractors to join and address any questions or concerns about the REA Tool. Join us Thursday, December 15 at 11 a.m..ET Click to join the meeting.

The latest copy of the REA tool and documentation is available online.


Revised REA Audit Tool

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: Residential Market REA Program
Summary: Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File) Trainings
Contact: [email protected]

The Market Rate REA program will host open office hours.

Open Office Hours will not have a set agenda but instead encourage existing contractors to join and address any questions or concerns about the REA Tool. Join us Thursday, December 15 at 11 a.m..ET Click to join the meeting.

The latest copy of the REA tool and documentation is available online.


Revised REA Audit Tool

To: REA Contractors
Regarding Programs: Residential Market REA Program
Summary: Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File) Trainings
Contact: [email protected]

The Market Rate REA program will offer 2 upcoming excel audit tool training opportunities.

New User Training is geared towards new users of the REA tool and will offer a comprehensive training on the REA Tool.  Join us on Thursday, November 17 at 11 a.m.. ET.  Click to join the meeting.

Open Office Hours will not have a set agenda but instead encourage existing contractors to join and address any questions or concerns about the REA Tool.  Join us Thursday, December 15 at 11 a.m..ET  Click to join the meeting.

The latest copy of the REA tool and documentation is available online.


Revised REA Audit Tool

To: REA Contractors and contractors initiating GJGNY loans
Regarding Programs: Residential Market REA Program and GJGNY Loan Program
Summary: Revised REA Audit Tool (Excel File)
Contact: [email protected]

A new version of the Residential Market REA Tool is available on the contractor website with an update to fuel rates affecting natural gas savings. We recommend all contractors use the updated version as the old version will no longer be accepted beginning November 1, 2022.

The latest copy of the REA tool and documentation is available at:

Become a Participating Audit Documentation

Please contact us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns.


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New Participation Agreement and Required Application ACTION REQUIRED!

To: All Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, Residential Energy Audit Program, Comfort Home, Green Jobs – Green NY Residential Financing Program
Summary: New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!
Contact: [email protected]

NYSERDA is pleased to announce an enhancement to Participation Agreements for the EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, Residential Energy Audit Program, Comfort Home, and Green Jobs – Green NY Residential Financing Programs.

There is now one Participation Agreement that is applicable to all of NYSERDA’s residential energy efficiency programs. This means one document with the terms and conditions each company is bound to for participation. Specific rules, processes and policies for each distinct program are available in each Program Manual, which continue to be separate documents.

Contractors participating in multiple programs no longer need to sign and maintain separate Participation Agreements with NYSERDA.

The current Participation Agreement for the EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® and Comfort Home Programs expires on September 30, 2022 

The new Participation Agreement and Contractor Application is available now and must be submitted by September 30, 2022, to ensure seamless participation in NYSERDA’s programs.

  • When re-applying to these programs, make sure to select that you are a “New Applicant” on the Contractor Application
  • Please select all programs you are applying for – regardless of your existing participation status

EmPower NY and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® contractors, the Program Manual is in the process of being finalized and will be available for contractors to access during the week of September 5, 2022.

Please note, this change is not applicable for EmPower NY Appliance Vendors. The existing process remains in place for Appliance Vendors and an updated Participation Agreement will be available in early September.

This change also opens up enrollment eligibility for Comfort Home to all contractors. If you wish to enroll in Comfort Home, review the Comfort Home Pilot Manual and make sure to select that when you submit your new application. 

For questions, please contact [email protected].

New Version of REA Excel Tool Released

To: All Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: Residential Energy Assessment (REA)) Program
Summary: Use of the new REA Excel Tool version
Contact: Email [email protected]

A new version of the Residential Energy Assessment (REA) Excel-based audit tool, dated 9.6.22, has been released and is available for download:

More information about this version of the REA Tool may be found online.


New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!

To: All Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, Residential Energy Audit Program, Comfort Home, Green Jobs – Green NY Residential Financing Program
Summary: New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!
Contact: [email protected]

NYSERDA is pleased to announce an enhancement to Participation Agreements for the EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, Residential Energy Audit Program, Comfort Home, and Green Jobs – Green NY Residential Financing Programs.

There is now one Participation Agreement that is applicable to all of NYSERDA’s residential energy efficiency programs. This means one document with the terms and conditions each company is bound to for participation. Specific rules, processes and policies for each distinct program are available in each Program Manual, which continue to be separate documents.

Contractors participating in multiple programs no longer need to sign and maintain separate Participation Agreements with NYSERDA.

The current Participation Agreement for the EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® and Comfort Home Programs expires on September 30, 2022 

The new Participation Agreement and Contractor Application is available now and must be submitted by September 30, 2022, to ensure seamless participation in NYSERDA’s programs.

  • When re-applying to these programs, make sure to select that you are a “New Applicant” on the Contractor Application
  • Please select all programs you are applying for – regardless of your existing participation status

EmPower NY and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® contractors, the Program Manual is in the process of being finalized and will be available for contractors to access during the week of September 5, 2022.

Please note, this change is not applicable for EmPower NY Appliance Vendors. The existing process remains in place for Appliance Vendors and an updated Participation Agreement will be available in early September.

This change also opens up enrollment eligibility for Comfort Home to all contractors. If you wish to enroll in Comfort Home, review the Comfort Home Pilot Manual and make sure to select that when you submit your new application. 

For questions, please contact [email protected].


New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!

To: All Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, Residential Energy Audit Program, Comfort Home, Green Jobs – Green NY Residential Financing Program
Summary: New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!
Contact: [email protected]

NYSERDA is pleased to announce an enhancement to Participation Agreements for the EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, Residential Energy Audit Program, Comfort Home, and Green Jobs – Green NY Residential Financing Programs.

There is now one Participation Agreement that is applicable to all of NYSERDA’s residential energy efficiency programs. This means one document with the terms and conditions each company is bound to for participation. Specific rules, processes and policies for each distinct program are available in each Program Manual, which continue to be separate documents.

Contractors participating in multiple programs no longer need to sign and maintain separate Participation Agreements with NYSERDA.

The current Participation Agreement for the EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® and Comfort Home Programs expires on September 30, 2022 

The new Participation Agreement and Contractor Application is available now and must be submitted by September 30, 2022, to ensure seamless participation in NYSERDA’s programs.

  • When re-applying to these programs, make sure to select that you are a “New Applicant” on the Contractor Application
  • Please select all programs you are applying for – regardless of your existing participation status

EmPower NY and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® contractors, the Program Manual is in the process of being finalized and will be available for contractors to access during the week of September 5, 2022.

Please note, this change is not applicable for EmPower NY Appliance Vendors. The existing process remains in place for Appliance Vendors and an updated Participation Agreement will be available in early September.

This change also opens up enrollment eligibility for Comfort Home to all contractors. If you wish to enroll in Comfort Home, review the Comfort Home Pilot Manual and make sure to select that when you submit your new application. 

For questions, please contact [email protected].


New Participation Agreement and Required Application ACTION REQUIRED!

To: All Participating Contractors
Regarding Programs: EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, Residential Energy Audit Program, Comfort Home, Green Jobs – Green NY Residential Financing Program
Summary: New Participation Agreement and Required Application-ACTION REQUIRED!
Contact: [email protected]

NYSERDA is pleased to announce an enhancement to Participation Agreements for the EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, Residential Energy Audit Program, Comfort Home, and Green Jobs – Green NY Residential Financing Programs.

There is now one Participation Agreement that is applicable to all of NYSERDA’s residential energy efficiency programs. This means one document with the terms and conditions each company is bound to for participation. Specific rules, processes and policies for each distinct program are available in each Program Manual, which continue to be separate documents.

Contractors participating in multiple programs no longer need to sign and maintain separate Participation Agreements with NYSERDA.

The current Participation Agreement for the EmPower NY, Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® and Comfort Home Programs expires on September 30, 2022 

The new Participation Agreement and Contractor Application is available now and must be submitted by September 30, 2022, to ensure seamless participation in NYSERDA’s programs.

  • When re-applying to these programs, make sure to select that you are a “New Applicant” on the Contractor Application
  • Please select all programs you are applying for – regardless of your existing participation status

EmPower NY and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® contractors, the Program Manual is in the process of being finalized and will be available for contractors to access during the week of September 5, 2022.

Please note, this change is not applicable for EmPower NY Appliance Vendors. The existing process remains in place for Appliance Vendors and an updated Participation Agreement will be available in early September.

This change also opens up enrollment eligibility for Comfort Home to all contractors. If you wish to enroll in Comfort Home, review the Comfort Home Pilot Manual and make sure to select that when you submit your new application. 

For questions, please contact [email protected].


The Residential Energy Assessment Program has updated the Assessment Tool

To: Participating Auditors
Regarding Programs: Residential Energy Assessment Program
Summary:  The Residential Energy Assessment Program has updated the Assessment Tool. A new version is available now and must be used by November 1, 2022. Training and updates materials are now available.
Contact: [email protected]

This announcement contains important information about updates to the Residential Energy Assessment Tool.  

The Residential Energy Assessment Program has updated the Assessment Tool in three ways:  

  1. In support of the Climate Act, NYSERDA has made updates to the Residential Energy Assessment Program that supports informing customers about options for electrification of homes.  This aligns with measure updates made to NYSERDA’s income-eligible residential programs earlier this year, and measure updates being made to the Green Jobs – Green New York Residential Financing Program. 
  2. To support the Green Jobs – Green New York Residential Financing Program’s new Web ProForma, updates have been made to provide contractors with the necessary ProForma inputs.  
  3. General enhancements to usability and bug fixes. 

This version is required to be used by the new Web ProForma Plus for Green Jobs – Green New York Residential Financing. For all other uses of this tool through the Residential Energy Assessment Program, NYSERDA encourages the use immediately and will require its use by November 1, 2022. No earlier versions will be accepted after that date. 

Beneficial Electrification Updates 

In support of New York’s 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and to align with changes to the Green Jobs – Green New York (GJGNY) Residential Financing Program, the following previously announced changes have been made to the upgrade options: 

  1. In homes with natural gas space heating, the upgrade options are now high efficiency gas equipment or air source heat pump(s). 
  2. In homes with any space heating fuel other than natural gas, the only upgrade option is air source heat pump(s). 
  3. In homes with natural gas water heating, the upgrade options are now high efficiency gas equipment or heat pump water heater. 
  4. In homes with any water heating fuel other than natural gas, the only upgrade option is heat pump water heater. 

A fact sheet for home electrification has been created for contractors to provide to homeowners along with each energy assessment.  A copy can be downloaded from here.  Provide a PDF copy or hard copy to each customer. 

Updates Supporting Loan Web ProForma Plus 

To support the new online GJGNY Loan Web ProForma, the Loan Step 2 tab has been updated. This tab now contains the dollar savings per measure and energy savings by fuel type data that are required to complete the Web ProForma.   


Step1:   Use the Data Collection tab to complete the assessment.  Click the Data Collection Complete Proceed To Next Step button. 

Step 2:  Use the Loan Step 1 tab to select the upgrade(s) being financed and their cost(s). 

Step 3:  Use the information on the Loan Step 2 Web ProForma Inputs tab to complete the web loan ProForma. 

General Enhancements 

  1. Several tab labels have been simplified:  The tab used for data collection is now labeled Data Collection.  The tab that displays the customer report is now labeled Summary Report
  2. Several on-screen messages have been added or updated to display when a recommended upgrade is missing or inappropriate. 
  3. The total heat pump capacity must be aligned with the home’s heating load. If the value entered in the heating capacity field is too large or too small, a message will display indicating that you must enter a heating capacity value that falls in this range. 
  1. When specifying an upgrade to air-source heat pump(s), the design temperature is now populated automatically based on the home’s Zip Code.   
  2. Several on-screen tool tips have been added or updated. 
  3. An issue with some thermostat upgrade scenarios has been resolved. 
  4. The logic supporting the interaction of primary A/C and room A/C has been improved. 
  5. The messaging around floor insulation, basement wall insulation, and crawlspace wall insulation has been improved. 
  6. Available water heater efficiency values have been updated to support higher efficiency equipment. 
  7. Primary supply and return duct location dropdown lists include an option labeled “Condition Space (all ducts)”. Use this option if the home has ductless mini-split heat pump(s). 
  8. The Notes field has been updated to allow easier text entry. 
  9. To support future residential electrification efforts, fields have been added to document the electrical panel type and main breaker size.  Gather and enter this information for each home.  At this time, this is a data collection portion only. This information does not print on the Summary Report and no upgrade fields are available.  
  1. When data entry is complete, click the button to move on to the next tab in the Excel workbook file.  Entries on the Data Collection tab will be automatically checked and messaging will display if any required fields are not completed. 

If a macro security message displays, use the information from this webpage to learn how to enable macros for the NYSERDA Residential Energy Audit Tool:

If you’re unable or uncomfortable enabling macros, the Tool will still work.  Use the Excel tabs at the bottom of the screen to navigate to the Summary Report. 

  1. An issue with the Print function has been resolved. 
  2. NYSERDA is updating terminology and the program name to better describe the market-rate evaluation and recommendations as a Residential Energy Assessment.  Throughout the documentation, Excel™ tool, and customer report, the term Assessment replaces the word Audit

Training Materials, Webinars and Office Hours 

NYSERDA has updated the User Guide for the Energy Assessment Tool to reflect these changes.  

NYSERDA is hosting webinars about this update and online office hours to answer questions you may have.  Once-monthly webinars will also be hosted to provide new user training for auditors or energy advisors new to the program or this tool.  Use the links below to access the webinars and office hours.  Registration is not required. 

August 2022 Release Webinar Focus:  Changes in this release of REA tool Webinar Link (All webinars use the same link)
Wednesday, August 31, 2022       3:00 to 4:00pm WebEx: August 2022 Release Webinar Focus: Changes in this release of REA tool Webinar Link   
Audio only: Call                   (415) 655-0003   Access code    924 360 023 
Friday, September 2, 2022            9:00 to 10:00am 
Tuesday, September 27, 2022      3:30 to 4:30pm      
Friday, October 28, 2022              1:00 to 2:00pm
Office Hours (Open Q&A) and New User Training Link  (All events use the same link) 
Online Office Hours (open for Q&A): Thursday, September 8, 2022         3:00 to 4:00pmWebEx: Office Hours Webinar Registration Link   Audio only: Call  (415)655-003Access code  924 360 023
Online Office Hours (open for Q&A): Wednesday, October 5, 2022          8:30 to 9:30am
New User Training: Tuesday, September 20, 2022         8:30 to 10:00am
New User Training:Thursday, October 20, 2022           10:30 to 12:00pm


  • The Residential Energy Assessment tool requires complete data entry on the Data Collection tab in order to make accurate modeling calculations.  If messages display or the results on the Summary Report aren’t what is expected, review yellow existing condition fields on the Data Collection tab.  Ensure that all fields are filled in and the entries are accurate. 
  • For the best experience, it is important to use the latest version of the tool directly from and keep Microsoft Excel updated.   

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] 


Residential Energy Audit Program Changes

To: Participating Contractors in the Residential Energy Assessment Program
Regarding Programs: Residential Energy Assessment Program
Summary: Residential Energy Audit Program Changes
Contact: Laura Geel at [email protected] or 518-862-1090 ext. 3446

Residential Energy Audit Program Changes

Audit Tool Updates:

  • Fossil fuel space and water heating equipment will no longer be a recommended upgrade
  • Fuel switching to natural gas will no longer be a recommended upgrade
  • Additional supplemental information will be available to homeowners to explain options to upgrading to heat pump technologies

An updated Assessment tool will be available on August 31.  Additional details and training materials will be sent next week.

If you have any questions about the Residential Energy Audit program changes, please contact Laura Geel or call 518-862-1090 ext. 3446.


Residential Financing Program – Web ProForma

To: Contractors offering NYSERDA Green Jobs – Green New York (GJGNY) Residential Loans
Programs: EmPower New York & Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®,GJGNY Residential Financing Program; NY-Sun; NYS Clean Heat; Comfort Home; Residential Energy Audit Program
Summary: ProForma Launch
Contact: [email protected]

NYSERDA is excited to announce the rollout of our new web-based ProForma, to support the Green Jobs – Green New York (GJGNY) Residential Financing Program. The new platform, called Web ProForma, will replace the current Excel ProFormas.

The Web ProForma will be launching August 22, 2022. Applications submitted to Slipstream/EFS starting on August 22, 2022 will need to include the Web ProForma. No Excel version ProFormas will be accepted after the launch of the Web ProForma.

Web Proforma Benefits:

  • 24/7 online access
  • One ProForma for all project types (energy efficiency, solar, heat pumps)
  • Database to save all ProFormas by Contractor
  • Versioning control

What is new?

  • Web-based application that provides error checking on fields and calculations within the ProForma
  • ProForma can be saved as a draft, and then “finalized”, which generates a PDF file for sending to EFS

What is staying the same? 

  • Audit process is still the same; must be attached to a ProForma
  • Finalized ProForma must be sent to Slipstream/EFS as it is today

A step-by-step user guide for the Web ProForma will be posted our Resources for Participating Contractors page upon the Web ProForma launch. NYSERDA will be hosting training sessions on the new platform to provide contractors with an in-depth walk through of the process. Information relating to these training sessions will be sent out in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions about these changes, please reach out to [email protected], or contact Heather Clark, 518-862-1090 Ext. 3253.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in making GJGNY Residential Financing Program a success.

The Residential Financing Team